The word eunuch is very rare. What does it mean? Read this article to learn about the meaning of eunuch and its origins.
April 11, 2022
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The word eunuch is very rare. What does it mean? Read this article to learn about the meaning of eunuch and its origins.
Do you know what eunuch means? Have you ever heard someone call someone else a eunuch? This article will define the word eunuch and teach you how to use it in a sentence. Then, it will provide you with synonyms, antonyms, and translations of the word eunuch.
According to Dictionary, eunuch is a noun that refers to a castrated man. Castration is the removal of the testes or testicles. Eunuch can also be used as a slang term to refer to an ineffective man. The pronunciation of eunuch is ˈjuːnək.
Often, the word eunuch refers to a harem guard or palace official in Asia and the Middle East. During the Byzantine Empire, Ottoman Empire, and Roman Empire, several emperors employed eunuchs, per Britannica. Eunuchs were also employed under Persian under Egyptian rule and guarded the emperor’s concubines and wives.
Some people are also eunuchs for religious celibacy. Throughout the Old Testament and New Testament, you might see a castrated male.
This word of the day is rare, but you might see it in certain contexts. It is important to know how to use eunuch and recognize its definition. Eunuch can either be used literally or figuratively.
You are more likely to see the word eunuch used figuratively in the modern day. As you read over the example sentences containing the word eunuch below, see if you can determine which uses are symbolic and which are literal. Be careful when using this word in a sentence, as it can be insulting.
The emperor’s chief eunuch was in charge of managing all of the other guards. Together, they protected the emperor’s wives and concubines from other men.
Question: Is eunuch used literally or figuratively in this sentence?
Answer: Eunuch is used literally in this sentence.
The people did not re-elect the political eunuch to his seat as mayor. They felt he was extremely ineffective and had done nothing to better the city during his term.
Question: Is eunuch used literally or figuratively in this sentence?
Answer: Eunuch is used figuratively in this sentence.
Dictionary states that the word eunuch began usage in the late 1300s and the early 1400s as the Middle English eunuk. This word comes from the Latin eunūchus and Greek eunoûchos/eunoukhos. These terms come from the roots eune, échein, ekhein and eunḗ.
If you are trying to refer to a castrated man in a language other than English, look no further than this list of translations from Nice Translator. These words refer to a male who has had his testicles removed.
Can you think of a situation where knowing these translations would be useful?
In the present day, many people use the word eunuch to mean ineffective or futile. Instead of using a sexually-charged word like eunuch, you can reference word lists from Power Thesaurus to learn synonyms of eunuch.
If someone is highly effective, you can describe them using an antonym of eunuch from Power Thesaurus. All of these words describe someone or something that is competent and effective.
A eunuch is a human male who is castrated and therefore does not have testicles. In the present day, this word is usually used figuratively to refer to someone who is ineffective or spineless, although some may find this needlessly offensive.