A Free Way to Check Your Grammar
Just about everyone is familiar with spell-check; the tool has been around for a long time. Ways to Perfect your grammar, however, are far newer. From punctuation problems to misusing words, getting your grammar down is more complex than simply looking something up in the dictionary and making sure you spelled it right.
Our grammar checker uses an advanced system to identify common writing errors and help you fix them. This is an essential step for anyone looking to complete clean, polished writing. Whether you are a journalist, student, or content writer, you need to check you always need to double-check your grammar just like you need to check your spelling.
Why Does Grammar Matter?
Writing is an incredibly effective form of communication. This is as true today as it was tens of thousands of years ago when written language first emerged. Over the centuries, the English language has grown like a large city, sprouting out in different directions, some properly planned, others seemingly coming out of nowhere. The result is that English is a diverse, flexible, and highly artistic language with greater possibilities than possible. On the downside, this also means there are many rules and tips writers need to follow. While knowing some of these rules is part of the professional writer’s job, the idea that anyone can consistently produce articles, essays, blog posts, and the like without making occasional grammar errors is difficult to imagine.
Thankfully, there are ways for writers of all experience levels to check their work and make sure it comes out as good as it possibly can.
Proper grammar matters for a variety of different reasons that are relevant to several different fields. This includes, for example, journalism where reporters and other news writers need to consistently turn in quick and concise articles that need to come out error-free before they go “live.” It is important for these professionals to use proper grammar checker. Another place where grammar checkers are important is in academic writing. Often wordy and dense, even the scholars among us are not impervious to making grammar errors. It is critical that anyone submitting an academic work to a journal or otherwise use a grammar checker. Finally, grammar checkers are important for students. Many times, teachers will mark off for grammar and lower student’s grades as poor grammar is a known sign for lack of interest or not trying hard enough on a particular assignment.
How to Improve Your Writing with the Grammar Checker
The grammar checker tool goes through your text line by line and analyzes it to make sure you are using the proper punctuation, the right usage, the right spelling, and even suggest alternative synonyms for words that you included in your text, which can possibly be improved.
Synonyms are an important part of the Grammar Checker. While using different words that mean the same thing may not fall under the category of error-correction, it is, nevertheless, a critical part of writing a good paper, essay, or blog post. There are times when one word works far better and makes more sense than another even though, technically, the two words mean the same thing.
Why the Grammar Checker?
With the grammar checker, you no longer need to be a sophisticated writer or an English major to craft clean, well-written sentences. By checking your grammar, you can rest easy knowing that not only are the words on your page spelled properly, and they are also in the correct format. Fear of coming off as “ignorant” or “uneducated” is a cause of anxiety for many people when they write. This can be true for many different groups of people from those who genuinely are uneducated, to those who simply do not need to write very many things down, and have thus forgotten some of the rules. Either way, by using a grammar checker, you can begin writing as well as everyday professionals.
How the Grammar Checker Can Help You Avoid Mistakes
Many online grammar checkers only check for simple problems like spelling errors and punctuation. The grammar checking tool, however, looks for many common errors beyond just punctuation, including usage and others. Rather than having to spend hours toiling over the proper word usage or making sure that you are applying other English language rules properly, the grammar checker enables you to focus on the actual content of your writing while it handles the rules and other such things.
How the Grammar Checker Works
Using TheWordCounter’s grammar check tool is incredibly easy. You simply copy your text into the empty text box on the grammar check page, which asks you to “Please copy and paste your text here,” then you click the large red button which says “Check your text.” You will be given your results almost instantaneously, and they will include suggestions that, when incorporated, will have a dramatic impact on the quality of your writing.
What are the Most Common Grammar Mistakes?
Although some writers find checking for grammar tedious and frustrating, all professional writers accept the importance of proper grammar. The problem, though, is that some do not have either the knowledge or time to thoroughly check their own work for all the potential mistakes that are common to most writers. This is where a grammar checker comes in.
Grammar checking software and technology is getting increasingly more advanced and, certainly soon enough, will be able to check your documents and writing for all of the most common mistakes. For now, however, the grammar checker tool prides itself on being able to catch and make suggestions about most of the grammar mistakes you are likely to make. In terms of what some of those mistakes that you might make which can and cannot yet be fixed by using the grammar checker, they include:
- Colon Mistakes: People often misuse colons. The main problem with how people use colons is that they use them in the middle of sentences. Colons should only come after complete thoughts. For example, Dogs have many great qualities: They are loyal, loving, and protective. You can find colon mistakes scattered all across Google, the internet, and even in books. It is certainly one of the most common English grammar mistakes.
- Comma Splice: In English grammar, splices occur when writers try to separate a transition word using one common when, in most cases, they should use two.
- Compound Sentence Problems: People often make the mistake of not using commas in compound sentences. This creates run-on sentences and other problems.
- Misplaced Modifiers: One of the most common grammar issues, misplaced modifiers, occur most often when nouns are improperly separated from the words they are modifying. Usually, misplaced modifiers can be caught with simple proofreading.
- Missing Commas: Another common, yet easy to fix, grammar mistake has to do with missing commas after introductions. This gives readers a slight break before they continue on with the sentence.
- Overused Commas: As with too few commas, too man can cause readability problems as well.
- Problems with Parallel Structure: Parallel structure problems often occur as a common grammar mistake when writing lists.
- Run-On Sentence: Often caused by missing commas, run-on sentences are something you have to keep a sharp eye out for as they can seriously lessen the quality and clarity of your writing.
- Sentence Fragments: Sentence fragments are a grammar mistake that can confuse readers and make it unclear who is speaking or what is mean.
- Split Infinitives: An infinitive is an action word plus “to.” Sometimes writers make the mistake of slipping in an adjective between an action word plus the word “to,” resulting in a split infinitive.
- Sprawling Sentences: Sprawling sentences are another one of those types of problems that you can catch only by reading a text. They result from too many consecutive, weighted sentences in a row. Sprawling sentences can make things difficult for readers.
- Subject-Verb Agreement Errors: Subject-verb agreement issues are probably the single largest category of grammar issues. Subject-verb agreement problems have to do with using the right plural versus singular words. For example, it has versus have or other such differences.
- Vague Pronouns: Unclear pronouns can confuse readers when “he” or “she” or “they” appears in writing, and the reader does not know to whom the pronoun is referring.
Specific Grammar Mistakes
Here of the most common grammar mistakes:
- Alot vs. A lot vs. Allot
- Assure vs. Insure vs. Ensure
- Compliment vs. Complement
- Dangling Modifiers
- Do’s and Don’ts
- En Dash vs. Em Dash
- Farther vs. Further
- i.e., vs. e.g.
- Incomplete Comparisons
- Into vs. In to
- Its vs. It’s
- Less vs. Fewer
- Lose vs. Loose
- Me vs. I
- Passive Voice
- Possessive Nouns
- Referring to a Brand or Entity as ‘They’
- Semicolons
- Then vs. Than
- They’re vs. Their vs. There
- To vs. Too
- Use of Commas
- Using Affect instead of Effect or vice-versa.
- Who vs. That
- Who vs. Whom vs. Whose vs. Who’s
- Your vs. You’re
How the Grammar Checker Can Help
The main way the grammar checker tool can help is through the overall improvement of your writing. Using proper grammar is about more than just following rules and guidelines; it is about making your writing as clear, readable, and concise as possible. If writing is viewed as a way to communicate, then clear communication must be a top priority for writers of all types and merits. As such, a grammar checking tool is a necessary part of any serious writer’s toolbox.
Other Tools on TheWordCounter
TheWordCounter.com offers other free tools in addition to the grammar checker. These include a spell checker as well as a character counter and the word unscrambler.
Character Counter
TheWordCounter’s character counting tool serves a number of purposes from letting you know exactly how much space you may have for a social media post or Tweet, to know if you have written enough to turn your assignment. Counting characters is common in systems like Microsoft Word, but may online bloggers have less sophisticated writing systems that do not include suggested corrections, help with typos, or suggestions for using correct grammar. The free grammar checker can help with all of that and more.
Word Unscrambler
Beyond just an online grammar check, if you are struggling to solve a word puzzle or anything like that, the word scrambler can help!
What is the best grammar checker?
When it comes to choosing the best grammar checker, there are many things to consider. For one, you want to think about who the audience is for your writing. If you are dealing with a mainstream audience—for example, in the case of a journalist, then you simply want to make sure that you catch any basic grammar problems. But if, on the other hand, you are an academic or scholar submitting your work to a body of scholars, then you are going to want to do all you can to make sure what you turn in is clean, readable, and free of any kind of grammar mistakes.
Thankfully, the Grammar Checker covers all of these categories. The online tool works perfectly for casual writers, students, journalists, and academics alike!
Grammar Checkers and ESL
One of the biggest problems those who learn English as a second language face has to do with the use of grammar. While things like spelling, stringing together sentences, and, most importantly, the understanding of the meaning of words can be taken up in a rather direct way, there is something about grammar that even otherwise great ESL speakers struggle with.
Grammar mistakes common in spoken language can be solved on an individual level with effort and concentration. But it is not easy, and ESL speakers will need to work hard over a long period of time if they truly wish to speak perfect English. Thankfully, this is not necessarily the case for written language. With the help of a grammar tool like the grammar checker, English as second language speakers can quickly and easily solve their grammar issues which will work wonders if they need to have formally written documents of any kind, or if they simply want to be certain that the emails and other online communications they are writing are free of errors and other such issues.
When to Use a Grammar Checker?
You should use a grammar checker anytime you want to improve your writing skills or English writing. Whether you are looking to make sure you are obeying all the right grammar rules or if you are just looking for punctuation mistakes, a grammar checker is a necessary tool right alongside your writer’s dictionary and thesaurus. The grammar checker will improve not only things like word overuse, but also your writing style in general.
There are so many places where you can use a Grammar checker that you may not have even considered. Gmail, Linkedin, on Facebook, Twitter, and anywhere else that grammatical errors can occur. Some people try and correct for these errors using Chrome or other plugins, but really what is needed is a legit grammar corrector where you take your actual text and enter into a grader. This is precisely what the Grammar Checker tool offers. Look no further to correct your spelling, sentence structure, word usage or otherwise. The grammar checker has you covered with all of those plus spelling mistakes, grammatical mistakes, punctuation errors, and more.