The Meaning of Entourage: What It Is and How To Use It

Do you know the definition of entourage? This article will provide you with all of the information you need on the word entourage, including its definition, etymology, usage, example sentences, and more!

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What does the word entourage mean?

According to Dictionary and Merriam-Webster Unabridged English Dictionary,  the word entourage (pronounced ˌɑntʊˈrɑʒ)  is a noun that most commonly refers to some group of attendants or followers to someone who is very important. These could also be known as groupies or followers. Someone might see a celebrity arriving at an awards show with an entourage – this might include their public relations associates, hair and makeup artists, and stylist, amongst others. People who follow a band on their tour around the world might also be known as that band’s entourage. This group of people might follow the band on their tour circuit whether the band wants them to or not. There are many examples of entourage that one might see in everyday life. 

The word entourage can also be used to refer to someone or something’s surroundings or environment. In architecture, this refers to seom landscaping or other environmental features that surround a building. Someone might also use the word entourage to refer to the HBO series of the same name, though it is more commonly used as a word that refers to a group of people that follow or surround a person of importance.

There are also numerous different languages that contain words that mean the same thing as the word entourage. You may notice that some of these words look similar to the English word entourage. This is because both of these words likely have a similar or the same origin. This often happens between languages of similar origin. Many languages that are Latin in origin have many cognates, or words that wound and mean similar things. This list of translations is provided by Word Sense.

  • Armenian: շքախումբ‎
  • Russian: сви́та‎ (fem.) (suite), окруже́ние‎ (neut.), антура́ж‎ (masc.)
  • Norwegian – Bokmål: følge‎ (neut.)
  • Spanish: séquito‎
  • French: entourage‎ (masc.)
  • Turkish: yalaklar‎, yalakalar‎
  • Dutch: gevolg‎ (neut.)
  • Hungarian: kíséret‎
  • Portuguese: entourage‎
  • Swedish: följe‎
  • Finnish: seurue‎
  • German: Gefolge‎ (neut.)

How can the word entourage be used in a sentence?

The word entourage can be used in many different contexts to refer to a group of people that surround a person of fame or importance. In this first example, Raina is on a trip to New York and sees a celebrity walking down the street.

Raina: Wow, Mom, look! It’s that singer!

Mom: Yep. Not very inconspicuous  – you’d think if she wanted to be anonymous she would leave the entourage at home.

Raina: Maybe they’re just trying to protect her.

Mom: Yeah. Or maybe she’s just trying to end up on the cover of a tabloid. 

Here, Raina’s mom uses the word entourage to refer to the group of people that surround the famous singer who is walking down the street. In this next example, Raina is back at school. She and her friend Jackie are over the popular crowd.

Raina: Ugh. I am so over Lisa thinking she’s so much better than all of us. Look at the way she struts around this school with her little entourage in tow/

Jackie: Ugh, I know. It’s so very Heathers of her.

Raina: At least that makes us Winona Ryder. 

Jackie: I’m not sure about that. I think it probably just makes us extras.

Here, Raina uses the word entourage to refer to Lisa’s posse.

What is the origin of the word entourage?

According to Etymonline, the word entourage has been used since the year 1832 to refer to someone’s surroundings or environment. This was picked up by De Quincey from the French entourage, which is a noun that is taken from the verb entourer which means to surround. The French entourer has been used since the 16th century. This comes from the Old French entour which means that which surrounds. The Old French entour has been used since the 10th century. This comes from the prefix en meaning in and the root tour meaning a circuit. This was specifically used to refer to some attendant persons or followers in English by the year 1860. 

What are synonyms and antonyms for the word entourage?

There are many different words that one can use in place of the word entourage that have a similar or the same meaning. These words and phrases are known as synonyms. Synonyms are a very useful English grammatical device to know because they can help people avoid repeating themselves while also growing their vocabulary. This list of synonyms for the word entourage is provided by Thesaurus

  • court
  • companions
  • groupies
  • associates
  • suite
  • retinue
  • retainers
  • toadies
  • sycophants
  • staff
  • train
  • attendants
  • cortege
  • escort
  • company
  • hangers-on
  • following
  • followers
  • courtiers

There are also numerous different words that have the opposite meaning of the word entourage. These are known as antonyms. Antonyms are also very useful to know to expand a person’s vocabulary. This list of antonyms for the word entourage is also provided by Thesaurus.

  • rector
  • harbinger
  • superior
  • boss
  • doyen
  • shepherd
  • chief
  • dignitary
  • pioneer
  • President
  • pacesetter
  • lead
  • ringleader
  • principal
  • manager
  • officer
  • governor
  • pilot
  • precursor
  • mistress
  • captain
  • lion
  • controller
  • head
  • notability
  • commander
  • conductor
  • exec
  • chieftain
  • counsellor
  • general
  • notable
  • forerunner
  • director
  • eminence
  • superintendent
  • luminary
  • herald
  • dean
  • ruler
  • skipper
  • guide
  • leader

Overall, the word entourage is a noun that most often refers to a group of people that surround a person of importance. This could refer to their retinue of attendants or it could refer to their group of fans. The word entourage can also be used to refer to someone or something’s environment or surroundings, as well as the HBO series of the same name. 

