The Past Tense of Slide: Here’s What It Is and How to Use It

Have you ever got stuck on the correct past tense of the word slide in English grammar? This article will explain the conjugations of the word slide and also define slide and give you all the information you need about the word.

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What Is the Definition of the Word Slide?

The word slide is defined as:

Intransitive verb 

  • to move along in continuous contact with a smooth or slippery surface: 
    • to slide down a snow-covered hill.
  • to slip or skid.
  • to glide or pass smoothly.
  • to slip easily, quietly, or unobtrusively on or as if on a track, channel, or guide rail (usually followed by in, out, away, etc.).
  • to pass or fall gradually into a specified state, character, practice, etc.
  • to decline or decrease: 
    • Interest rates are beginning to slide.
  • Baseball. (of a base runner) to cast oneself, usually feet first, forward along the ground in the direction of the base being approached, to present less of a target for a baseman attempting to make a tag.

Transitive verb 

  • to cause to slide, slip, or coast, as over a surface or with a smooth, gliding motion.
  • to hand, pass along, or slip (something) easily or quietly (usually followed by in, into, etc.): 
    • to slide a note into someone’s hand.


  • an act or instance of sliding.
  • a smooth surface for sliding on, especially a type of chute in a playground.
  • an object intended to slide.
  • Geology. 
  • a landslide or the like.
  • the mass of matter sliding down.
  • a single transparency, object, or image for projection in a projector, as a lantern slide.
  • Photography. a small positive color transparency mounted for projection on a screen or magnification through a viewer.
  • a usually rectangular plate of glass on which objects are placed for microscopic examination.
  • Furniture. a shelf sliding into the body of a piece when not in use.
  • Music. 
  • an embellishment consisting of an upward or downward series of three or more tones, the last of which is the principal tone.
  • a portamento.
  • a U-shaped section of the tube of an instrument of the trumpet class, as the trombone, that can be pushed in or out to alter the length of the air column and change the pitch.
  • a vehicle mounted on runners, for conveying loads, as of grain or wood, especially over a level surface.
  • (of a machine or mechanism) 
  • a moving part working on a track, channel, or guide rails.
  • the surface, track, channel, or guide rails on which the part moves.
  • any of various chutes used in logging, mining, or materials handling.
  • a flat or very low-heeled, backless shoe or slipper that can be slipped on and off the foot easily.

What Is the Past Tense of Slide?

The past tense of slide is slid. This would be used in a sentence like: 

Last winter I hurt my ankle when I slid down the snowbank on my sled and fell off at the end.

I didn’t mean to make a mess, I just slid your drink to you too fast.

How Do You Conjugate Slide?

Here are some verb conjugations of the irregular verb slide including the past tense verb forms:

Infinitive: To slide

Past Participle of Slide: Slid

Present Participle/Gerund: Sliding

Past Perfect: Had slid

Present Perfect Tense: Have slid

Past Continuous: Was sliding

Simple Present TenseSimple Past TenseFuture Tense
I slideslidAm sliding
You slideslidAre sliding
Third Person Singular He/she/it slidesslidIs sliding
We slideslidAre sliding
They slideslidAre sliding

The History and Origin of the Word

The word slide has been used since before 950 A.D. In Middle English it was spelled slides, in Old English it was spelled slidan, and in Middle High German sliten.

Synonyms of Slide 

  • Glide
  • Slip
  • Move
  • Slither
  • Shove
  • Veer
  • Tuble
  • Drift
  • Sag

Antonyms include ascend, remain, and rise. 

Examples of the Word in Context


Next time you need to write the word slide, you will be well prepared for everything you need to know what it is and how to use it efficiently. If you’re trying to learn English, you should feel confident with the different conjugations, the history of the word, and the definition. 

