Parenthetical Appositive: What It Is and How To Use It

Do you know what an appositive is? This article will provide you with all of the information you need on appositives, including the definition, usage, example sentences, and more!

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What is a parenthetical appositive?

According to Your Dictionary, a parenthetical phrase, sometimes called a parenthetical, is one that is not essential to the framing sentence. Appositives are noun phrases that modifies or provides information about another noun, sometimes renaming it. Essential appositive phrases or restrictive appositive phrases are necessary for the sentence to make sense, while nonessential appositive phrases or non-restrictive appositive phrases simply add non essential information. Appositives can appear at the beginning of the sentence, middle of a sentence, or end of the sentence. They could also come in parentheses or brackets. Many different punctuation types can be used to add appositives to full sentences such as a comma, square brackets, parentheses, a dash, and more to a compound sentence. Be careful that you do not cause a comma splice with this insertion and the rest of the sentence. Parentheticals and participial phrases are also sometimes called an aside.

This type of category of syntax can be used with independent clauses, relative clauses,and mro to add information to an entire sentence. The different types of modifiers are a free modifier, resumptive modifier, and summative modifier. Parenthetical appositives add to the meaning of a sentence and can be used in a number of ways in casual speech and academic writing. Parenthetical information can add clarification to the meaning of the sentence, but make sure not to overuse it in your syntactic structure. 

What are examples of appositives?

An appositive phrase can be used in many different contexts in the English language. Trying to use a word or literary technique in a sentence is one of the best ways to memorize what it is, but you can also try making flashcards or quizzes that test your knowledge. Try using this term of the day in a sentence today! Below are following examples from Your Dictionary and BKA  that can help get you started incorporating this tool into your everyday use.  Try to use the term appositive today or notice when someone else is using an appositive. Take a look at the first example and second example and see if you can spot the placement of the appositive.

  •  A very strong man, Uncle Henry was able to carry the entire pallet of bricks by himself.
  •  Roslyn Carter, wife of former president Jimmy Carter, is the oldest living former First Lady.
  •  Appleton, Mark’s dad, owns an orchard that was featured in the New York Times. 
  •  Michael Jackson, the pop star, died in 2009.
  •  Common ice cream flavors, such as vanilla and chocolate, are his favorites.
  •  Her favorite teacher, Mrs. Book, assigned Moby Dick. 
  •  Furloughed employees, namely those deemed non-essential, may apply for unemployment benefits.
  •  The tiger, a big cat, ate Ross. 
  •  Social media is used by other community agencies, including church groups and health centers, to promote projects and events.
  •  UV radiation, that is ultraviolet rays, is used in labs and manufacturing.
  •  Martin Luther King, Jr., the popular civil rights activist, was murdered.
  •  Maria, a fan of mustard, went to Spain over the summer.
  •  Alaska, the largest state in the U.S., is north of the contiguous 48 states.
  •  The spider, a big and hairy creature, scared the children as they played in the grass.
  •  Jasmine was the belle of the ball in her new dress, a turquoise ball gown.
  •  The largest state in the U.S., Alaska is north of the contiguous 48 states.
  •  Tim, our friend, brought alcohol and pizza to the party,
  •  The bookshelf, a large piece of furniture, was moved into the house first.
  •  College professor Steve Williams will review the scholarship applications.
  •  An excellent shot, Annie Oakley traveled with a wild west show.
  •  Little Davey, my youngest nephew next door, is feeling sick.
  •  A gigantic mountain of ice cream, Mary’s sundae started to melt when she took it outside.
  •  I am looking forward to having enchiladas, my favorite food, for dinner.
  •  The Flash, Barry Allen’s alter ego, is a DC comic superhero.
  •  Kara’s designer bag, the red Chanel, got stained with paint because she wasn’t careful.
  •  My childhood friend, Melody, loved music. 
  •  A DC comic superhero, the Flash is popular among young boys.
  •  A great civil rights leader, John Lewis left a lasting legacy.
  •  My college roommate Kelley lives in Hunstville now.
  •  Edgar Allen Poe, the famous horror writer, died from unknown causes.
  •  My new puppy, a little Daschund, has stolen my heart.
  •  The umbrella I brought, which was my mother’s, broke while I was on vacation.
  •  Leanne, the maid of honor from my wedding, is coming over this weekend.
  •  A small SUV, my car is completely full.
  •  The university stated that furloughs, in other words “layoffs,” may occur in the future.
  •  The summer months, for example, July and August, are the hottest.
  •  A DC comic superhero, the Flash is popular among young boys.
  •  A two-door sedan, our rental car was completely full or our relatives.
  •  A human garbage disposal, my brother consumed five cheeseburgers in one sitting last night.
  •  Emma, the family’s cat, slowly crept up behind the kittens.
  •  Sherlock Holmes, a character created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, is still popular on screen and in print.
  •  My nephew often compares himself to the Flash, a DC comic superhero.
  •  Former Vice President Walter Mondale died at the age of 93.
  •  They couldn’t believe it when the little boy stood up to John, the biggest bully in school.

Overall, the appositive is a noun phrase that adds more information to another noun.


  1. Appositive | Word Sense
  2. Appositive – Examples and Definition of Appositive | Literary Devices 
  3. Appositives: What Is an Appositive Phrase? | BKA 
  4. Examples of Appositives and Appositive Noun Phrases | Your Dictionary