The main difference between “much” and “many” is that we use “much” with uncountable nouns and “many” with countable nouns.
Alanna Madden
June 27, 2021
Grammar Tips
The main difference between “much” and “many” is that we use “much” with uncountable nouns and “many” with countable nouns.
“Much” and “many” are common English words we use to describe large quantities of things, and both quantifiers are often interchangeable with phrases like “a lot of” or “lots of.” But while these terms have similar definitions, we cannot use them interchangeably.
The main difference between “much” and “many” is that we use “much” with noncount nouns and “many” with countable nouns.
“I have many plants, but they don’t need much sunlight.”
As you might recall from previous Word Counter lessons like “amount vs. number” or “less vs. fewer,” count nouns (or “countable nouns”) are words that denote a number or quantity of separable things.
For instance, the word “device” is a singular noun, indicating that there is one singular device. Meanwhile, plural nouns like “devices” reference how there is more than one “device” at hand.
You might recognize other types of count nouns, such as coin/coins, cookie/cookies, or apple/apples. Using these examples, let’s compare correct and incorrect ways to use “many” and “much” with count nouns.
Correct: “I have many coins.”
Incorrect: “I have much coins.”
Correct: “John didn’t eat that many cookies.”
Incorrect: “John didn’t eat that much cookies.”
Noncount nouns or “mass nouns” are singular nouns with uncountable quantities, such as food, milk, rice, or time.
Correct: “We don’t have that much food in the fridge.”
Incorrect: “We don’t have that many food in the fridge.”
Correct: “How much milk do you need for your cereal?”
Incorrect: “How many milk do you need for your cereal?”
There are more specific contexts in which we use “much” and “many,” but before we get ahead of ourselves, let’s tackle a few key points.
Generally speaking, we use the words “many” and “most” as quantifiers (i.e., determiners and pronouns) to indicate quantity:
Determiners modify nouns to indicate what the noun is referencing in a sentence (a few examples include: the, a, this, that, my, your, each, every, etc.).
“There’s so much change happening around me.”
“Many people struggle to accept change in their life.”
The cool part about determiners and quantifiers is that they come with comparative and superlative forms. In the case of “many” and “much,” we use “more” for comparative statements and “most” for the superlative.
Determiner: “I have many plants.”
Comparative: “I have more plants.”
Superlative: “I have the most plants.”
As shown above, we use “many” as a determiner for non-comparative statements. But when we need to compare people or things (in terms of quantity), we can use “more” or “most” instead.
We can use “much” with “more” for comparative statements, but this generally occurs as “much more.”
“Is there much unemployment in the US?”
“There is much more unemployment in the US than Canada.”
“Between Canada and the US, the US has the most unemployment.”
Another notable trait of “many” and “much” is that they often appear in questions, negative clauses, or both.
Examples of negative clauses:
“This plant doesn’t need much sunlight.”
“I didn’t bring much luggage with me.”
“There’s not many people in attendance.”
“There aren’t many cars parked at the moment.”
Examples of questions:
“How much time do you have?”
“Can you eat that much rice?”
“How many school activities are there to choose from?”
“Did you find many eggs?”
Pronouns are words that can substitute other nouns in a sentence (e.g., she, her, it, they, who, which, that, etc.). When we use “many” as a singular indefinite pronoun, we’re referencing a non-specific but countable number of things.
“Many believe we should join an online community.”
“I don’t know many who belong to one, though.”
When we use “much” as a pronoun, we’re referencing a vague, uncountable amount or quantity of something.
“Did you see much?”
“I didn’t see much of anything, actually.”
“But there was so much to see!”
“Affirmatives” are positive clauses or sentences (meaning they don’t include a negative term), and when we use “much” and “many” for positive statements, they typically function as pronouns or determiners.
“We’ve shared much concern for your well-being.”
“I’ve heard many good things about you.”
As you might notice, using “much” and “many” for affirmatives sounds more formal than conversational English. If you’d rather avoid a “proper” tone, try replacing either word with “a lot of” or “lots of.”
“We’ve shared a lot of concern for your well-being.”
“I’ve heard lots of good things about you.”
We know that we can use “much” and “many” as determiners for negative sentences, but when it comes to their use as pronouns, we only use “much.” In this case, the pronoun disparagingly references a person or thing.
“The movie didn’t do much for me.”
“I’m not much of a math-whiz.”
“Not much of a reader, are you?”
While “much” and “many” often share similar meanings, there are times when we use these words separately:
As adjectives, both “much” and “many” can describe a noun as ‘a large number.’ But when we use “many” as an adjective, it’s synonymous with words like countless, multiple, numerous, or several.
“The possibilities are many.”
“Cooking is one of his many hobbies.”
When “much” describes a large quantity, extent, or amount, it’s more synonymous with phrases like “a lot of” or “a ton of.”
“There’s much hope in the world.”
There are also times when “much” describes something as ‘great in importance’ or ‘significant.’ In this case, “much” is synonymous with consequential, earth-shattering, historic, important, meaningful, or significant.
“Nothing much occurred at the seminar.”
One way to tell if you’re using “many” or “much” as an adjective is to replace them with different but similar adjectives. Let’s use our examples from “many” to illustrate:
“The possibilities are awesome.”
“Cooking is one of his awesome hobbies.”
Now, let’s try to replace “many” as a determiner or pronoun with the same adjective:
Determiner: “In many ways, she does give the best answers.” (correct)
Adjective: “In awesome ways, she does give the best answers.” (incorrect)
Pronoun: “But to be honest, there weren’t many.” (correct)
Adjective: “But to be honest, there weren’t awesome.” (incorrect)
Another way we use the word “many” differently is within the plural noun “the many,” meaning ‘the majority of people.’
“The next activity is for the many who cannot sing well.”
“Recent tax increases affect the few, not the many.”
“Drug addiction doesn’t discriminate amongst the many.”
When the word “much” functions as an adverb, instead of meaning ‘a great quantity,’ it means ‘to a great extent’ or ‘a great deal.’
“I promise it won’t hurt much.”
“We don’t talk much.”
It’s almost identical to the use of “much” as a pronoun or determiner, except there’s more emphasis on the degree of something instead of a quantity or the noun it replaces.
For instance, you could say that you “love much” and “love many,” and both terms would imply that you have a great capacity to love. The difference is that “much” denotes a ‘great degree or extent,’ while “many” assumes a ‘great quantity’ instead.
Put another way, the first sentence (“I love much”) can mean “I feel love often” or “I love greatly” (both adverbs), while the second sentence (“I love many”) reads as “I love many people” (determiner or pronoun).
Whenever we use “much” or “many” before articles, demonstratives, possessives, or pronouns, we need to use the phrase “much of” or “many of.”
Articles: the, a/an.
Demonstratives: this/that, these/those.
Pronouns: she/her, he/his, they/them, it.
Possessives: my, your, his, her, their, our, its.
Example sentences:
“Mother spends much of her time in the garden.”
“I’m not sure how much of this movie I can take.”
“How many of your students are in debt?”
“Many of them decided to drop out of school.”
Perhaps the one time when we don’t follow “many” with “of” is when we’re using the idiom “many a” to mean ‘a large number of.’ In most cases, “many a” comes across as outdated (especially when you can write ‘there are many…’ or just ‘many’ instead). But if you must, be sure to use a singular verb.
“Many a bright student has failed the exam.”
“The university is home to many a fine writer.”
“There is many a new teacher who forgets to provide a syllabus.”
While we’re on the topic, it’s worth noting the “many” different ways we use “many” or “much” in common phrases.
A bit much: Slightly intolerable or excessive.
A good many: a great number of people or things.
As many: the same quantity as something else.
As much: the same.
Have one too many: becoming tipsy from alcohol.
Much as: ‘although’ or ‘even though.’
This much: Information you’re about to provide in a statement.
Too much: An unbearable experience or situation.
Before you go, here’s a quick recap on how to use “much” and “many” correctly:
Test how well you understand the difference between “much” and “many” with the following multiple-choice questions.
1. True or false: “Much” and “many” both convey a ‘large quantity of people or things?
a. True
b. False
2. The word “much” is more specific in describing ____________.
a. A great number
b. A large amount
c. A great amount
d. B and C
3. Which of the following is discouraged for positive sentences?
a. Many as a pronoun
b. Much as a determiner
c. Much as a pronoun
d. None of the above
4. Which of the following sentences is grammatically incorrect?
a. “We ate too much food.”
b. “We ate a lot of food.”
c. “We ate many food.”
d. None of the above
5. Which of the following has the opposite meaning of “many”?
a. A small number
b. A minuscule amount
c. A tiny extent
d. All of the above
6. The word “much” describes a large amount of ______________.
a. Countable nouns
b. Mass nouns
c. Uncountable nouns
d. B and C
7. The word “many” describes a large number of _____________.
a. Countable nouns
b. Uncountable nouns
c. Mass nouns
d. A and C
Choose the correct word for the following sentences.
8. “How ______________ of your privacy is guaranteed online?”
a. Many
b. Much
c. A lot of
d. B and C
9. “In accordance with the CDC, we should drink this ______________ water a day to stay hydrated.”
a. A lot of
b. Much
c. Many
d. Lots
10. “How ______________ of those websites push that annoying cookie policy ad?”
a. Many
b. Much
c. A lot of
d. A and C
11. “Did you find ______________ sales at the mall today?”
a. Many
b. Much
c. A lot of
d. A and C