The Meaning of WSP: What It Is and How To Use It

This article will provide you with all of the necessary knowledge on the abbreviation WSP, including its meaning, usage, example sentences, and more!

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What does the acronym WSP stand for?

According to Cyber Definitions, the full form of the acronym WSP is the slang term “what’s up?” This is used to ask someone what they are doing at the current moment or how they are doing emotionally. This is usually used as a greeting via text or social media. This term also has a wide variety of other meanings, though these are far less common. ONe should be careful when using one of these secondary meanings of WSP, because one will usually assume the speaker means “what’s up” unless otherwise stated. Ensure the context of use is very clear before using WSP to mean one of these other definitions. These are listed below from Abbreviations and The Free Dictionary.

  • Web Service Provider
  • Washington State Patrol
  • Web Service Platform
  • WhatsApp
  • White Skin Privilege
  • Weapon Support Processor
  • WSP Group PLC
  • Working Steam Pressure
  • Wireless Session Protocol (WAP)
  • Widespread Panic
  • Windows Service Pack (Microsoft)
  • Water Sustainability Project
  • Westport (Amtrak station code; Westport, New York)
  • Waspam Airport, Nicaragua (airport code)
  • Wholesale Price (Business & Finance)
  • Water and Sanitation Program (World Bank)
  • Weapon Support Processor
  • Weapon System Products
  • Workstation Software Package
  • Work Statement Paragraph
  • Wideband Short-Pulse
  • Water Sustainability Project
  • Wasco State Prison-Reception Center (California)
  • Wheel Slip Protection (aka Wheel Slide Protection)
  • Weapon System Partnership
  • Work Simplification Program
  • Water Supply Point

Are abbreviations like WSP casual or formal?

Internet slang phrases like WSP are very casual. These should only be used in relaxed settings like via text, on social media, and with friends and family. These should never be used in professional or formal settings like in business negotiations, business emails, formal letters, or other formal circumstances. These can make one come off as unprofessional, and can give off the wrong impression.

Below is an example of a situation in which it would be inappropriate to use the slang term WSP, followed by a revised version of the same message. In this example, Tony is currently applying for jobs. He emails Allie, a recruiter he knows at a company he wants to work for.


Hey Al,

WSP? Hope u r well haven’t talked 2 u in a minute! Im applying 2 new jobs and wanted 2 check in n see if u think u have anything that might b a gud fit 4 me. Lets talk soon thx.



Hi Allie,

Hope you’ve been well! I know it has been a while since we talked, but I am currently looking to transition from my position at my current company and remember us having a great chat last time we spoke. I have gained a lot of new skills and experience at my current job and would love to discuss how I could apply these to a position at your company. I have attached my resume for convenience; let me know if you have any availability in the coming weeks to discuss! Thanks so much.



Here, Tony should ensure that he maintains professionalism and email etiquette when communicating with a recruiter. This is potentially a person who can get him a new job, so he should make sure that he gives a positive impression via text. Using internet slang and acronyms like in the first email can give the impression that Tony is inexperienced or unprofessional. When communicating with clients or other colleagues, one should steer clear of using slang terms such as WSP.

How can WSP be used in a sentence?

WSP can be used in a variety of circumstances as a greeting or to start a conversation. This is usually used via text or social media and is rarely used in conversation. It is considered an initialism, which means that each letter would be pronounced individually. Therefore, WSP would be pronounces “dubble-yew-ess-pee,” and not “wisp.” This requires more syllables than just saying “what’s up?” and is therefore not an abbreviation. 

In the below example, Brad texts his friend Nikki from school.

Brad: Hey Nik, WSP?

Nikki: NM, just finishing up this murderous math homework LOL. HBU?

Brad: LMAO, same. Wuz just going 2 see if u might want to go get ice cream l8r and maybe we can go over the vocab words 4 the quiz tomorrow? 

Nikki: I’m down!

What are other acronyms like WSP?

There are many different ways someone can casually greet someone, whether via text or in person. According to Cyber Definitions, even the phrase “what’s up?” can be abbreviated in a few different ways. These, along with more synonyms from Thesaurus and Power Thesaurus, are listed below. Some of these are more professional or formal in tone, but others are as casual as other acronyms like WSP. One should ensure that the phrase they are using matches the formality of the situation.

  • WU – What’s up?
  • HWU – Hey, what’s up?
  • S^ – Sup?
  • ZUP – What’s up?
  • How are you?
  • How’s it going?
  • How are you doing?
  • Greetings
  • Hi
  • Howdy
  • Hello
  • Welcome
  • Good day
  • Hey
  • Hiya
  • How goes it?
  • Howdy-do
  • What’s happening?
  • What’s new?
  • How are things?
  • How’s it hanging?
  • How is everything?

Overall, while WSP can have multiple different meanings, the most common definition is “what’s up?” This is an internet slang term that is used as a casual greeting, usually to ask someone how or what they are doing. This and many other terms are used to strike up a conversation with another person via text or via social media sites like Facebook, Snapchat, WhatsApp, and Twitter.

