Do you want to know the abbreviation for the word “grams” in English? You’re in luck! We have the proper abbreviations for this word in our handy guide. Plus, you can read up on the proper definition of this word, its history, when to use its abbreviations, and so much more.
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Abbreviation for Grams: What is it and how is it used?
Do you want to know the abbreviation for the word “grams” in English? You’re in luck! We have the proper abbreviations for this word in our handy guide. Plus, you can read up on the proper definition of this word, its history, when to use its abbreviations, and so much more.
Let’s start off with what you came here for– the abbreviations for grams.
The correct abbreviations of grams including the following
A lot of the time, this abbreviation is used in lowercase letters. (“g” and “gm”.) As opposed to most English abbreviations, it is rare to see these abbreviations with a period. “G” is more commonly used than “GM” in most cases. A long time ago “gr” or “grains” was a common abbreviation for the gram unit, though this is now obsolete in modern times.
What Does “Grams” Mean?
According to, we can define grams as the following.
Gram [ gram ] noun
a metric unit of mass or weight equal to 15.432 grains; one-thousandth of a kilogram.
(in the East Indies) the chickpea used as a food for people and cattle.
any of several other beans, as the mung bean, Vigna radiata (green gram or golden gram), or the urd, V. mungo (black gram).
a G
ten sack
The History of the Word Grams
The word gram came from the French word gramme in the eighteenth century to refer to a metric unit of weight. The French word is derived from the late Latin word gramma, which means “small weight.” The Greek word is spelled and defined in the same way. This word was adopted in English a few years before it was used in France as a unite in the official metric system according to the law of 19 frimaire in 1799.
When to Use This Abbreviation
One will find this abbreviation in numerous cases. It is very common to see this abbreviation, among other units of measure, in recipes either in print or online. When specifying formulas in scientific documents, which include but are not limited to studies, hypotheses, instructions, and essays, one may use “g” or “gm” in cases of brevity or where space is a concern.
The abbreviations for gram are not used in typical prose and are not used in spoken conversation. They can be used with and without a period, though a period is usually omitted.
17 Examples of Using the Word Grams and Grams Abbreviations Correctly
“‘What unit of measurement will we use for this formula?’ Doctor Craig asked. ‘Grams,’ said his assistant Stanley, ‘We’ll also use some other units of measurement for this formula as well.'”
“I was used to using Wikipedia for everything. The definition of grams, how heavy a metric ton is, the difference between a centimeter and ‘centimetre.’ It’s the best encyclopedia on the internet.”
“In the United States, the numeric value for grams is 0.00220462 pounds.”
“Sam read the recipe as well as she could, but the pages were worn and yellowed and difficult to pick apart. ‘It looks like the recipe for these cookies call for 90 grams of brown sugar.’ I shook my head and squinted at the page. It was actually ’90 g white sugar’, not brown.”
“There are no plural forms for the abbreviation of ‘grams.’ It is simply ‘g’ or ‘gm’.”
“We’ll need to cook around 500 grams of rice for this meal, as it is very flavorful and needs a neutral base to distribute the flavor.”
“‘How many grams are in a bowl of rice?’ Lanny asked. ‘That’s pretty subjective when it comes to the size of the bowl,’ the teacher responded, ‘I’d say on average it would be around 200 grams.’”
“I was nervous about the dosage. How many milligrams or grams of active ingredients would be in this tiny pill? Is it dangerous? I patiently waited for my doctor to return to the room so I could ask her more questions.”
“Detective Silverman weighed each gram of the mysterious substance so that the lab could test it when he returned. The stuff looked suspicious, to say the least, so he was careful not to spill anything.”
“‘Did you know our diamonds weight just a gram on the metric scale?’ the pretty salesperson asked, ‘Each one is exactly the same weight. Pretty fascinating, eh?’”
“I’ve never been one for diets. I tried everything back in the day. I’d measure every gram and morsel on a food scale. I’d restrict everything, too. No fat, no carbs, high protein, low sugar. I hated every second of it. Dieting is supposed to be a lifetime. So how was I supposed to live like this forever, and for what?”
“Even one teeny tiny gram of this stuff can kill you, so be careful.”
“‘Our second system failed,’ exclaimed the scientist, ‘The measurements for the substance were off. We used too many grams of uranium. The whole thing could explode, so we’d better get out of here.'”
“‘What’s a microgram?’ she asked. ‘It’s like a gram, just smaller,’ I joked.”
“Milliliters, grams, micrograms, beakers, tubes, tests, all of that nonsense never mattered to me. I was the least sciencey scientist you could find. The only thing I had was my drive, and maybe a little bit of wonder.”
“I always had a thing for Joan. She was just a swell girl. Everything she did might as well have been wonderful. The way she carefully measured grams of flour. The way she worked with hast to get the food out. The tiny details she’d put into her work and the way she’d smile when it finished. I was lucky to be her sous chef.”
Kevin Miller is a growth marketer with an extensive background in Search Engine Optimization, paid acquisition and email marketing. He is also an online editor and writer based out of Los Angeles, CA. He studied at Georgetown University, worked at Google and became infatuated with English Grammar and for years has been diving into the language, demystifying the do's and don'ts for all who share the same passion! He can be found online here.