Do you ever feel like you’ve suddenly hopped on a tilt-a-whirl? Plagued by seemingly random dizzy spells? If so, you may have vertigo.
Interested in learning more? We can help. Read on to discover all there is to know about vertigo, including what it is, the symptoms, and how it’s treated.
What Is the Definition of Vertigo?
According to Collins English Dictionary, vertigo is a medical condition that can occur for a number of reasons. This condition leaves a person feeling as though their surroundings are whirling around them; they tend to have a loss of balance and an overall sense of dizziness.
In other words, vertigo is a sensation that the environment around you is spinning. In this context, vertigo isn’t necessarily a condition or illness, but a symptom of varying conditions.
Think you might have vertigo? Here are the signs to watch for:
Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV) — BPPVoccurs when microscopic calcium deposits (AKA, canaliths) are stuck in one of the three semi-circular canals that make-up the vestibular system. As a result, certain head movements often trigger vertigo.
Labyrinthitis — An ear infection, usually triggered by the flu or common cold.
Vestibular neuritis — Inflammation of the vestibular nerve causing prolonged vertigo.
Meniere’s disease — An inner ear disorder that can lead to hearing loss and dizzy spells.
Admittedly, less often the case than as the previously mentioned culprits, vertigo may be associated with the following:
Neck injury
Head injury
Brain problems (for example, a tumor or stroke)
Certain Medications
Ear damage
Migraine headaches
Depending on what’s at the root of your vertigo, you may experience additional symptoms, such as hearing loss and fever.
What Are the Symptoms of Vertigo?
Most commonly, individuals affected by vertigo feel as though they are:
Pulled in one direction
Swimming in your head
In rare cases, symptoms of vertigo may include:
Nystagmus (jerking or abnormal eye movements)
Feelings of nausea or vomiting
Hearing loss or ringing in the ears, often associated with headache
How Is Vertigo Treated?
Vertigo goes away on its own more often than not. However, there are many treatments available that can help you to manage the condition. This is especially great news for people who get vertigo frequently.
That said, some of the most common vertigo treatments include:
Vestibular rehabilitation — A type of physical therapy aimed at strengthening the vestibular system.
Canalith repositioning procedure — A procedure that includes head maneuvers that move the canalith particles (AKA, otoconia) in the inner ear that’s responsible for the dizziness.
Medication — If your dizzy spells are due to an infection or inflammation, steroids or antibiotics may be prescribed to reduce swelling and cure the infection.
Surgery — In the rare event that vertigo is caused by a more serious underlying problem (like a brain injury or tumor), surgery may be required to alleviate vertigo symptoms.
What Are the Synonyms and Antonyms of Vertigo?
Now that you’re up to speed on the meaning of vertigo, let’s take a look at a few synonyms and antonyms.
Wondering how to say the word vertigo in a different language? We’ve got you covered! Here are some of the most common translations of vertigo:
Chinese — 眩晕
European Spanish — vértigo
Finnish — huimaus
Thai — อาการเวียนศีรษะบ้านหมุน
Turkish — yükseklik korkusu
Japanese — めまい
Korean — 현기증
Norwegian — vertigo
Polish — zawroty głowy
European Portuguese — vertigem
Ukrainian— запаморочення
Vietnamese — sự chóng mặt
French — vertige
Romanian — amețeală
Russian — головокружение
Spanish — vértigo
Swedish — höjdskräck
German — Schwindel
Croatian — strah od visine
Czech — závrať
Greek — ίλιγγος
Italian — vertigine
Danish — svimmelhed
Dutch — duizeligheid
American English — vertigo
Arabic — دُوَار
Brazilian Portuguese — vertigem
A Final Word
The dizzy sensation of vertigo can be extremely disruptive, to say the least. Depending on the severity of symptoms, it can be alarming, lasting anywhere between a couple of minutes to days.
In short, vertigo is a shift in balance and vision perception. One moment everything is exactly how it should be. The next, things are spinning, the world is tilting, and your stance shifts from side-to-side to keep you from falling.
We hope this guide has provided you with enough information to fully understand the meaning of vertigo. If after reading this post you feel as though you may have the condition, be sure to make an appointment with your healthcare provider for proper treatment.
Kevin Miller is a growth marketer with an extensive background in Search Engine Optimization, paid acquisition and email marketing. He is also an online editor and writer based out of Los Angeles, CA. He studied at Georgetown University, worked at Google and became infatuated with English Grammar and for years has been diving into the language, demystifying the do's and don'ts for all who share the same passion! He can be found online here.