The Meaning of TERF: What It Is and How To Use It

Do you know the definition of the abbreviation TERF? This guide will provide the meaning of TERF, its usage, examples, and more!

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You might have heard the word TERF used in real life or on social media sites like Twitter. This term has become even more relevant following criticism of Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling, but you may not understand what TERF means. This guide will help you understand the meaning of TERF, so you can avoid acting like one in your daily life.

What Does TERF Usually Stand For?

According to Trans Advocate, the acronym TERF stands for trans-exclusionary radical feminist. Trans-exclusionary radical feminists are people who do not believe that trans women are “real women.” These people believe that the interests of cisgender women and the interests of transgender women do not intersect and that trans women should not be afforded the same validity as those born in a female body.

TERFs assert that people born male and identify as women do not have the same experience as a cisgender woman. They infer that trans women are not “real” women by this logic. While it is true that people who are transgender and people who are cisgender have different life experiences, this does not justify discrimination towards transgender women. 

People who believe trans women are not “real” women also think that the term TERF is a slur and that anyone who uses it is a misogynist. This is not the case. 

Others believe that the term TERF is misleading. These people see it as a facade for transphobia under the guise of feminism and women’s rights. The exclusion of a transgender person does not make a person a feminist; it makes them transphobic. Therefore, the term TERF is overly generous to transphobic individuals.

Transphobia Under the Guise of a Feminist Movement

People who are TERFs assert that they believe in radical feminism and “biology.” They believe that if everyone is afforded gender expression, the idea of sexuality is somehow compromised. They also believe that trans women should not be welcome in women’s spaces. 

However, this hate speech is often disguised on social media sites like Twitter and Tumblr as “fighting the patriarchy.” Famously, JK Rowling came under fire from fans calling her a TERF for opposing transgender rights. There was a lot of discourse surrounding an influx of tweets from the author.

What Does Transgender Mean?

Someone who is transgender identifies as a different gender than they were assigned at birth. Transgender men and women — sometimes also called trans men and women — often have a different gender identity than their biological sex.

Trans people face oppression and a lack of inclusion in numerous different spaces. They receive threats of violence and are often not covered under legal protections for their jobs. Coupled with misogyny and TERF ideology, trans people need allies to help fight for their rights.

Trans people are a part of the LGBTQ community. The T in LGBTQ stands for transgender. The L stands for lesbian, G stands for gay, B stands for bisexual, and Q stands for queer or questioning.

What Else Can TERF Stand For?

The term TERF does not always just have to stand for trans exclusionary radical feminist. The Free Dictionary lists numerous definitions of this acronym. 

If you are discussing gender equality or the rights of trans people, TERF will likely stand for translate exclusionary radical feminists. However, if you are discussing or reading something about a different field, it might stand for one of the below meanings instead.

If you are in a situation in which you do not know what a person means by the term TERF, do not be afraid to ask them for clarification. It is always better to ask what someone’s intended meaning is rather than to guess and be incorrect. 

How many of the below definitions of TERF did you already know? 

  •  The Eye Research Foundation (Chennai, India)
  •  Tax Effect Recovery Factor
  •  Technical ELINT Reference File (KILTING)
  •  Thai Elephants Research and Conservation Fund (Thailand)
  •  Transition Economies Research Forum
  •  The Escort Review Forum (discussion board)
  •  Terrain Flight

TERF vs. Turf: The Difference Between These Two Words

While the terms TERF and turf may sound similar, they are not the same. These two words are called homophones. TERF is an acronym, while turf is a word in the English language.

The noun turf has a variety of different meanings. First, the word turf can refer to a part of soil that is held by grass and roots into a thick mat. It can also refer to an artificial substitute for this kind of grass. The word turf can also refer to territory that people frequently visit or that is under a person or country’s rule. 

Using TERF vs. Using Turf

The term TERF and the word turf are used in very different contexts in the English language. Take a look at the examples below and see how the words TERF and turf are used differently. Then, try coming up with your own ways in which TERF and turf can be used. Be careful not to confuse these words!

The woman was a TERF who did not welcome trans women into her ladies-only book club. When the rest of the members heard about this, they left her book club and started their own, which welcomed trans women.

We laid on the football field, which was made of turf. The artificial grass ticked our legs as we picnicked.

The TERF was surprised to see the trans women visiting the women’s center on campus: she believed that turf was reserved only for cisgender women.


The abbreviation TERF stand for trans exclusionary radical feminist. A trans-exclusionary radical feminist is a person who does not believe that trans women should be considered women or welcome in women’s spaces. They also incorrectly believe that trans women and cisgender women have inherently different experiences that people cannot compare.


  1. TERF: what it means and where it came from | Trans Advocate 
  2. TERF – What does TERF stand for? | The Free Dictionary 
  3. Definition of TERF |