November 9, 2022
Common Questions
What does it mean to describe some person or action as rash? What does it mean if someone has a rash?
Today, we will define rash as our word of the day. Rash has two very different meanings, so it is important to understand the difference between the two meanings.
Read on to learn the meaning of rash.
What Does Rash Mean?
According to Dictionary, the definition of rash is twofold. First, the word rash can be an adjective that means acting hastily or without consideration. The pronunciation of rash is ræʃ.
Second, the word rash is a noun that refers to an eruption of the skin. Rashes are often red and characterized by itchy skin.
A rash can result from a skin condition like dermatitis or eczema, or it can be a side effect of an allergic reaction, something like poison ivy, or heat rash. Often, rashes are treated with antihistamines or other anti-inflammatories.
What Is the Etymology of Rash?
The word rash entered Middle English in the early 1700s. This term comes from the French rache, a derivative of the Old French rasche. These terms come from the German rasch, Old Norse rosky, and ultimately stem from the Latin rādere.
How Can We Use Rash in a Sentence?
Below, you will find several example sentences which contain the word rash. In these examples of rash, try to identify if the word rash is an adjective or a noun. Then, try coming up with your own examples of the word rash!
Example #1
There was a sudden rash of robberies in the small town in a short period of time, so the police believed it had to be caused by the new family that just moved in.
Question: In the above sentence, is the word rash a noun or an adjective?
Answer: The word rash is a noun.
Example #2
The politician made many rash promises that the voters knew he would not be able to keep.
Question: In the above sentence, is the word rash a noun or an adjective?
Answer: The word rash is an adjective.
Example #3
After he ate the sandwich, he began to break out into an allergic reaction of an itchy rash and hives. It was only then that he learned the sandwich had fish sauce in it, and he had a shellfish allergy.
Question: In the above sentence, is the word rash a noun or an adjective?
Answer: The word rash is a noun.
Example #4
The nanny noticed red spots on the baby’s bottom, which was a classic sign of diaper rash. She put some cream on to soothe the baby.
Question: In the above sentence, is the word rash a noun or an adjective?
Answer: The word rash is a noun.
Example #5
She made the rash decision to take the job at the power plant because she was out of options and needed money, but the harsh conditions made her regret this hasty decision.
Question: In the above sentence, is the word rash a noun or an adjective?
Answer: The word rash is an adjective.
Example #6
The man regretted his harsh, rash words as soon as they came out of his mouth. For his girlfriend, this was the final straw. She moved out the next morning.
Question: In the above sentence, is the word rash a noun or an adjective?
Answer: The word rash is an adjective.
What Are Translations of Rash?
Someone could be rash or have a rash anywhere in the world. Below, you will find translations of rash, so you can use this word outside of American English or British English.
If you need to describe your medical symptoms to a foreign doctor, this list from Nice Translator could prove very helpful.
- Croatian: osip
- Marathi: पुरळ
- Russian: сыпь
- Telugu: దద్దుర్లు
- Vietnamese: Phát ban
- Malayalam: ചൊറിഞ്ഞുപൊട്ടല്
- Slovak: vyrážať
- Hindi: खरोंच
- Catalan: erupció
- Dutch: uitslag
- Japanese: 発疹
- Amharic: ሽፍታ
- Portuguese (Brazil): irritação na pele
- Basque: negal
- Danish: udslæt
- Swedish: utslag
- Gujarati: ફોલ્લીઓ
- French: éruption
- Bulgarian: обрив
- Bengali: ফুসকুড়ি
- Indonesian: ruam
- Czech: vyrážka
- Romanian: eczemă
- Norwegian: utslett
- Welsh: frech
- Greek: εξάνθημα
- Icelandic: útbrot
- Ukrainian: висип
- Finnish: ihottuma
- Turkish: döküntü
- Serbian: осип
- Italian: eruzione cutanea
- Latvian: izsitumi
- Hebrew: פריחה
- Estonian: lööbe
- Thai: ผื่น
- Swahili: upele
- Tamil: சொறி
- Polish: wysypka
- Urdu: جلدی
- Kannada: ದದ್ದಲು
- Arabic: متسرع
- Chinese (Taiwan): 皮疹
- Lithuanian: bėrimas
- Slovenian: izpuščaj
- German: Ausschlag
- Korean: 발진
- Portuguese (Portugal): irritação na pele
- Hungarian: kiütés
- Chinese (PRC): 皮疹
- Spanish: sarpullido
- Malay: Ruam
What Are Synonyms of Rash?
Since rash has two potential definitions, it is useful to know different ways to say this word. Below, see if you can figure out which synonyms of rash from Power Thesaurus match which definition of rash.
- adventurous
- audacious
- blizzard
- bold
- brash
- careless
- crazy
- daredevil
- daring
- efflorescence
- epidemic
- eruption
- flood
- foolhardy
- foolish
- harebrained
- hasty
- headlong
- heady
- heedless
- hives
- hotheaded
- ill-advised
- ill-considered
- ill-judged
- impetuous
- impolitic
- improvident
- imprudent
- impulsive
- incautious
- indiscreet
- injudicious
- irresponsible
- madcap
- mindless
- negligent
- outbreak
- overhasty
- precipitate
- precipitous
- premature
- reckless
- series
- silly
- spate
- temerarious
- thoughtless
- unthinking
- unwary
- unwise
- venturesome
- wave
- wild
What Are Antonyms of Rash?
Power Thesaurus also provides several antonyms of rash.
- abstemious
- abstinent
- acceptable
- accepted
- according to the book
- agile enough
- canny
- careful
- cautious
- chary
- circumspect
- considerate
- deliberate
- directly responsible for
- discerning
- discreet
- enlightened
- far-sighted
- intelligent
- judicious
- liable for
- logical
- measured
- old
- once bitten twice shy
- penetrating
- practical
- provident
- prudent
- rational
- reasonable
- responsible
- risk-averse
- ruminative
- sagacious
- sensible
- shrewd
- shy
- smart
- sound
- thoughtful
- timid
- wary
- wise
The word rash is both a noun and an adjective. As a noun, a rash is an efflorescence on the skin. As an adjective, rash means hasty or rushed.
Rash synonyms – 1 747 Words and Phrases for Rash | Power Thesaurus
Rash antonyms – 554 Opposites of Rash | Power Thesaurus
Rash Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.com English Dictionary