Here are some words that start with K [2-15 letter words]
15-Letter Words
kenogenetically – Adverb | In the manner of embryonic or larval adaptations that are not retained in the adult form (also spelled caenogenetically, cainogenetically, cainogenetically, and cenogenetically)
kindheartedness – Noun | The act of showing sympathy
14-Letter Words
karstification – Noun | The process of turning into porous limestone
kindergartener – Noun | A child of the age to attend or currently attending kindergarten (also spelled kindergartner)
kinetheodolite – Noun | A surveying instrument used to track missiles and satellites
kremlinologist – Noun | Someone who studies the policies of the former Soviet Union
13-Letter Words
kaleidoscopic – Adjective | Rapidly changing form, color, and pattern
kinematograph – Noun | An obsolete camera with a built-in projector and printer (also spelled cinematograph)
knickerbocker – Noun | A person descended from early Dutch settlers of New York
knuckleduster – Noun | Brass knuckles used as a weapon (also spelled knuckle-duster)
12-Letter Words
keratogenous – Adjective | Producing a horn or horn-like tissue
kettle-stitch – Noun | A knot used in bookbinding to hold sections together (also spelled kettle stitch)
kinaesthetic – Adjective | Pertaining to the sensation of muscle, joint, and tendon movement (also spelled kinesthetic)
knowledgable – Adjective | Having or exhibiting intelligence (also spelled knowledgeable)
11-Letter Words
keyboardist – Noun | A personal who plays a musical instrument with a bank of keys
kitchenette – Noun | A small kitchen
kleptocracy – Noun | A government ruled by thieves, who exploit their positions for personal gain
knuckleball – Noun | A baseball pitch that causes the ball to behave in an unpredictable way
10-Letter Words
keypuncher – Noun | A machine with a keyboard used to punch holes in cards
knighthood – Noun | The military rank of a knight
knobbiness – Noun | The quality or state of being lumpy
knackwurst – Noun | Thick, heavily-seasoned sausage (also spelled knockwurst)
9-Letter Word
kazillion – Noun | An immeasurably large number
kickabout – Noun | An informal soccer game (British English)
kidnapper – Noun | A person who abducts someone by force, usually with the intention of extracting a ransom
killifish – Noun | Small freshwater fish used in mosquito control and as bait
8-Letter Words
kamikaze – Noun | Japanese attack pilot from World War II, known for suicidal crash landings on enemy targets
kangaroo – Noun | Long-tailed marsupial found in New Guinea and Australia
keepsake – Noun | A memento, something handed down as a reminder of a person
kyphotic – Adjective | Suffering from kyphosis, hump-backed
7-Letter Words
ketchup – Noun | Tomato puree used as a condiment
kickoff – Noun | A kick that begins play in a football or soccer game
killjoy – Noun | A person who stops others from enjoying a pleasurable activity
kumquat – Noun | A small citrus fruit, often used for preserves
6-Letter Words
karate – Noun | A Japanese martial art studied for sport and self-defense
kimchi – Noun | A spicy Korean dish, consisting of pickled or fermented vegetables
kindle – Verb | To light a fire
kvetch – Verb | To complain
5-Letter Words
kanji – Noun | System of Japanese writing based on Chinese ideographs
kanzu – Noun | Long white robe worn by men in Eastern Africa
kapok – Noun | Silky fibers from the kapok tree used for insulation and bedding
kasha – Noun | Porridge made from cracked buckwheat
kayak – Noun | Fiberglass or plastic recreational boat, modeled on indigenous boats of Alaska, Canada, and Greenland
kazoo – Noun | Small metal or plastic musical instrument that makes buzzing sounds
kebab – Noun | A skewer with cubes of meat and vegetables, usually grilled (also spelled kabob and kebob)
kelpy – Noun | A water spirit in Celtic mythology (also spelled kelpie)
kempt – Adjective | Neat, well-kept
kiddy – Noun | A small child (also spelled kiddie)
klutz – Noun | A very clumsy person
4-Letter Words
kadi – Noun | A judge of Islamic law (also spelled qadi, cadi, and kadhi)
kagu – Noun | A flightless gray bird found in New Caledonia
kain – Noun | A sarong
kaka – Noun | A brown parrot found in New Zealand
kaki – Noun | A Japanese persimmon
kale – Noun | A dark green or purple cabbage with curled leaves (also spelled kail)
kame – Noun | A ridge or hill of sandy gravel deposited by glacial meltwater
kapa – Noun | A paper-like cloth made in the Pacific Islands from paper mulberry (also spelled tapa)
kaph – Noun | The eleventh letter of the Hebrew alphabet (also spelled khaf and kaf)
karn – Noun | A pile of stones used for a memorial or a landmark (also spelled cairn)
kata – Noun | A choreographed exercise sequence in martial arts
kava – Noun | A plant in the pepper family commonly used to produce an intoxicating beverage
kayo – Verb | To knock out, as in boxing
keck – Verb | To retch or make retching sounds
keek – Verb | To spy or peep (Scottish dialect)
keet – Noun | A young guinea fowl
kelt – Noun | A salmon or trout that has spawned
keno – Noun | A gambling game similar to bingo
kerb – Noun | Raised edge of a sidewalk (British English)
kerf – Noun | A slit or incision made by a saw
khat – Noun | A shrub of the staff-tree family with leaves that act as a stimulant when chewed or brewed in a tea
kibe – Noun | A chapped or ulcerated inflamation of the heel
kier – Noun | A large vat for dying, bleaching, or boiling textiles (also spelled keir)
kilt – Noun | Tartan skirts with pleats, traditionally worn by Scottish men
kina – Noun | Papa New Guinean currency
kine – Noun | Archaic term for cows (also spelled kye)
kink – Noun | A twist in rope, hair, wire, or thread
kino – Noun | A natural gum used in varnishes and astringents
kiosk – Noun | A small structure with open-air windows, often used to sell merchandise
kith – Noun | Friends and neighbors
kiva – Noun | A ceremonial structure found in Pueblo Indian villages
kiwi – Noun | Flightless bird found in New Zealand
knap – Verb | To break or shape with a sharp blow
knop – Noun | A knob, especially an ornamental one
kohl – Noun | Dark eyeliner popular in the Middle East
kook – Noun | Someone who behaves in an eccentric manner
kudos – Noun | Recognition given for an achievement
3-Letter Words
kae – Noun | A Scottish term for a jackdaw
kea – Noun | A brownish-green parrot found in the mountains of New Zealand
kef – Noun | A dreamy state (also spelled kif)
keg – Noun | A small barrel used to store alcohol
kep – Verb | To catch (Scottish dialect)
kex – Noun | The dry stalk of a hollow-stemmed plant (British English)
khi – Noun | The 22nd letter of the Greek alphabet (also spelled chi)
kip – Noun | Laotian currency
kir – Noun | A beverage made with white wine and crème de cassis
kob – Noun | An African antelope
kop – Noun | A hill in South Africa
kue – Noun | The letter Q (British English)
ka – Noun | An individual soul in ancient Egyptian religion
2-Letter Words
Use words that start with the letter K to kindle your passion for crossword puzzles. If you memorize this list, you’ll be able to impress kith and kin with knowledgeable answers to a kazillion different questions. No word finder will be able to knock you for a loop. From ka to kindheartedness, you’ll be prepared with the right K-word for any occasion.
Because C, Q, and K sound alike, especially when used at the beginning of a word, you may notice that many of the words on this list have variant spellings. K also corresponds to the Greek letter kappa and the Arabic and Hebrew letter kaph, so quite a few words on the list have been borrowed from other languages. For instance, kebab is a transliteration of an Arabic word, which is why it can be written a number of different ways in English. You might spell it kebab, kabob, or kebob—and you’d be correct!
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