September 26, 2022
Common Questions
You might have heard the word hoe in American English idioms like “tough row to hoe,” but do you know the true meaning of this word of the day?
In the following piece, we will cover topics like the definition of the word hoe, the origin of the word hoe, and more! By the time you finish reading, you will be able to use the word hoe in a sentence as both a noun and a verb.
What Does Hoe Mean?
According to Dictionary, a hoe is an agricultural tool or garden tool with a long handle and a flat metal blade. In gardening, this tool is used to break up the ground so that seeds can be planted, as well as to destroy things like weeds or unwanted plants. The pronunciation of hoe is hoʊ.
The word hoe can also be a verb. If you are hoeing something, you are using a hoe to dig or cultivate something. Sometimes, this verb is used figuratively, but it is usually used literally. Can you figure out all of the different tenses of the word hoe?
The Slang Meaning of Hoe
The word hoe can also be a slang term. This term can be considered highly offensive, so it is important that you use this term carefully. You don’t want to offend someone by calling them a hoe.
According to Online Slang Dictionary, a hoe is a slang term for a promiscuous woman. This term is a diminutive form of the word whole, which means a prostitute or a woman who solicits sex for money.
As you can see by its definition, someone would be very offended if you called them a hoe, so stay away from using this word.
How Can We Use Hoe in a Sentence?
Now that we know the noun meaning, verb meaning, and slang term meaning of the word hoe, we can try our hand at crafting some example sentences!
As you read through the below sentences, see if you can determine if the word hoe is a noun or a verb and if it is being used as a slang term or not.
Example #1
The murder weapon was the flat blade of a hoe.
Question: Is hoe a noun or a verb in the above sentence? Is hoe used as a slang term or not?
Answer: Hoe is a noun; hoe is not a slang term.
Example #2
Hoeing the farm for fifty years took a toll on the man’s back.
Question: Is hoe a noun or a verb in the above sentence? Is hoe used as a slang term or not?
Answer: Hoe is a verb; hoe is not a slang term
Example #3
He called the woman a hoe when he found out he was not the only man she was sleeping with.
Question: Is hoe a noun or a verb in the above sentence? Is hoe used as a slang term or not?
Answer: Hoe is a noun; hoe is a slang term.
Example #4
She hoed her little garden patch so she could plant her sunflower seeds.
Question: Is hoe a noun or a verb in the above sentence? Is hoe used as a slang term or not?
Answer: Hoe is a verb; hoe is not a slang term.
Example #5
He grabbed his hoe and headed into the fields at the crack of dawn.
Question: Is hoe a noun or a verb in the above sentence? Is hoe used as a slang term or not?
Answer: Hoe is a noun; hoe is not a slang term
What Is the Etymology of Hoe?
Dictionary states that the word hoe entered the English language between 1325 and 1375. This word originated as the Middle English howe, from the Old French houe and German haue.
These terms are of Germanic origin, similar to the Middle Dutch houwe and the Old High German houwa, meaning mattock, and hew.
What Are Translations of Hoe?
Take a look at this word list for Nice Translator to learn how to say hoe in other languages!
- Greek: σκαπάνη
- Catalan: aixada
- Czech: motyka
- Telugu: తోపుడు పార
- Danish: hakke
- Basque: aitzur
- Portuguese (Brazil): enxada
- Swedish: hacka
- Japanese: 鍬
- Kannada: ಹಣ್ಣು
- Malayalam: തൂന്വ
- Gujarati: નારી
- Arabic: مجرفة
- Russian: мотыга
- Portuguese (Portugal): enxada
- Icelandic: Hoe
- Korean: 괭이
- Welsh: hofi
- Vietnamese: cuốc
- German: Hacke
- Finnish: kuokka
- Estonian: kõpik
- Norwegian: hakke
- Lithuanian: Kauptukas
- Urdu: کدال
- Serbian: мотика
- Romanian: sapă
- Hindi: कुदाल
- Thai: จอบ
- Polish: motyka
- Swahili: jembe
- Hungarian: kapa
- Chinese (PRC): 锄
- Indonesian: cangkul
- Tamil: மண்வெட்டி
- Malay: cangkul
- Chinese (Taiwan): 鋤
- Bengali: নিড়ানি
- Ukrainian: мотика
- Turkish: çapa
- Dutch: schoffel
- Slovak: motyka
- Italian: Zappa, zappare
- Slovenian: motika
- Bulgarian: мотика
- Spanish: azada, azadonar
- Hebrew: מַעדֵר
- Croatian: motika
- Latvian: kaplis
- French: houe, binette
What Are Synonyms of Hoe?
Power Thesaurus lists plenty of synonyms you can use in place of the word hoe.
- cultivate
- delve
- dig
- farm
- harrow
- hatchet
- jackknife
- mattock
- mulch
- pick
- pickax
- pickaxe
- plow
- rake
- shovel
- spade
- spud
- till
- tilled
- tool
- weed
- work
The word hoe (həʊ) can be either a noun or a verb. As a noun, a hoe refers to a type of agricultural instrument with a long, usually wooden or metal handle and a flat metal blade at one end. This instrument is used for tilling up plots of land or digging up space for seeds to be planted.
As a verb, the word hoe means to use a hoe to till or dig up something. Hoe is also a slang term for a loose woman or promiscuous female. It is perfectly acceptable to use the word hoe to discuss the gardening instrument, but deeply offensive to use the word hoe to refer to another person.
Hoe synonyms – 398 Words and Phrases for Hoe | Power Thesaurus
Hoe Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.com
What does hoe mean? hoe Definition. Meaning of hoe. | OnlineSlangDictionary.com