The Meaning of Fruition: What It Is and How To Use It

Do you know the definition of fruition? This article will provide you with all of the information you need on the word fruition, including its definition, etymology, usage, example sentences, and more!

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What does the word fruition mean?

According to Vocabulary, Dictionary, and Merriam-Webster Unabridged English Dictionary, the word fruition (pronounced fruˈɪʃ ən) is a noun that can either refer to the attainment of something or some success, or it could also refer to the enjoyment or satisfaction that comes from such thing being realized or attained. Third, it can also refer to the condition of bearing fruit.  Often, something that is achieved after much hard work would also be considered something coming to full fruition. Other examples of fruition could include getting a new job after a long, hard search, or finding the perfect partner after many years of dating around. This word is commonly used in the American English phrase “come to fruition.”

Many different languages also use words that mean fruition. You may notice that some of these words look or sound similar to each other, or are cognates for each other between languages. This is likely because those words have a common root, or perhaps the languages themselves have the same origin. This list of translations for the word fruition is provided by Word Sense.

  • Swedish: förverkligande‎
  • Portuguese: realização‎
  • Turkish: gerçekleşme‎, gerçekleştirme‎ (done by smb. else)
  • Dutch: vervulling‎ (fem.) (of a plan)
  • Italian: realizzazione‎ (fem.)
  • German: Verwirklichung‎ (fem.)
  • Finnish: toteutuminen‎
  • Bulgarian: осъществяване‎ (neut.)
  • Chinese – Mandarin: 实现‎, 完成‎
  • Spanish: fruicion

What is the origin of the word fruition?

According to Etymonline, the word fruition has been used since the early 15th century to mean the act of enjoying something. This word comes directly from the Old French fruition and directly from the Late Latin fruitionem, which is the nominative Late Latin fruitiō meaning enjoyment. This derivation also gives us the phrase “the fruits of one’s labor” amongst others. This word was also used to mean enjoyment and was the noun formed from the past-participle stem of the Latin fruī meaning to use or enjoy. This comes from the Proto-Indo-European root bhrug, meaning to enjoy. The word fruition was first used in the sense of something acting or bearing fruit in 1885, with its association from the noun fruit. This has been used figuratively since the year 1889.

What are synonyms and antonyms for the word fruition?

There are many different words that a person can use in place of the word fruition. These are called synonyms, which are words and phrases that have the same or a similar definition as the word fruition. Synonyms are very useful to know if you are trying to expand your English vocabulary or if you are trying to avoid repeating yourself. This list of synonyms for the word fruition is provided by Thesaurus

  • actualization
  • success
  • achievement
  • ripeness
  • realization
  • enjoyment
  • pleasure
  • consummation
  • completion
  • perfection
  • attainment
  • maturity
  • fulfillment
  • gratification
  • satisfaction
  • accomplishment
  • maturation
  • materialization

There are also a number of words that mean the opposite of the word fruition. These are known as antonyms. You may wonder why antonyms would be a useful thing to know. First of all, learning any new word is helpful to expanding your vocabulary and knowledge of English grammar. Second, it is useful to know antonyms if you tend to negate words instead of using their opposite. This list of antonyms for the word fruition is also provided by Thesaurus

  • bankruptcy
  • lemon
  • turkey
  • stoppage
  • botch
  • decay
  • sinking ship
  • deterioration
  • decline
  • bomb
  • misadventure
  • rout
  • loser
  • stalemate
  • wreck
  • deficiency
  • defeat
  • downfall
  • collapse
  • total loss
  • overthrow
  • nonperformance
  • implosion
  • faux pas
  • miscarriage
  • bust
  • breakdown
  • deficit
  • flop
  • rupture
  • washout
  • mess
  • abortion
  • misstep
  • failure
  • lead balloon
  • inadequacy
  • nonsuccess
  • frustration
  • checkmate
  • bungle
  • fiasco
  • loss
  • false step
  • failing
  • flash in the pan

How can the word fruition be used in a sentence?

The word fruition can be used in many different sentences and is most commonly used in the phrase “come to fruition.” This is usually used to refer to the state of things being successful. In this example, Nate is frustrated because he has been rejected from his early decision college. His counselor talks him through it.

Nate: That was the only college I really wanted to go to. And now it’s just never going to happen. What’s the point in going at all?

Counselor: Nate, I can promise you, everything will present itself exactly as it’s supposed to. You will get into other colleges, and your hunt for the right one will come to fruition. I know it’s frustrating now, but that’s no reason to give up hope. The universe will put you at exactly the right college for you.

Nate: I guess. I’m just disappointed.

Here, Nate’s counselor assures him that his hard work will pay off and the right decision about where to go to college will come to fruition. In this next example, Linda and Nate are planning a surprise party for their dad. Linda is worried she had ruined the surprise.

Linda: He saw me holding the balloons! I totally blew it.

Nate: What did you tell him?

Linda: I said it was my friend’s birthday tomorrow and I was gonna bring her balloons to school.

Nate: You’re fine! He totally bought it. I promise, our plans for this surprise party will come to fruition.

Overall, the word fruition can refer to a few different things. This noun can either refer to the state of bearing fruit, the enjoyment that is derived from some achievement or success, or the state of achievement or success itself. This word has LAtin roots and is commonly used in the phrase “come to fruition.”

