February 22, 2023
Common Questions
If your dreams, ideals, and goals seem to change all the time, you may be in a state of flux — but what exactly does the word flux mean, and where did it come from? We’ll tell you.
In this post, we’re exploring the world of terminology to uncover all there is to know about the word flux (/flʌks/). So if you’ve ever been curious about the meaning and proper usage of this interesting term, keep reading.
What Is the Definition of Flux?
As per the Collins English Dictionary, flux (pronounced fluhks) can be used as either a verb or a noun. Let’s look over its various meanings and uses, which you will find below:
- Noun (used primarily in relation to Metallurgy and Chemistry) — A substance that one uses to remove oxides as well as to prevent further oxidation that may occur, usually in relation to hot-dip coating or soldering.
- Noun — Fusion
- Noun (used in relation to physics) — The rate of flow of energy, particles, or fluid; for instance, radiation flux, neutron flux, and/or luminous flux
- Noun (used primarily in relation to Metallurgy and Chemistry) — An additive that generally improves the flow of plastics when something is manufactured
- Noun — Flow or simply flowing
- Noun — Continuous movement, change, or passage
- Noun (used in relation to medicine) — The discharge of abnormal quantities of fluid material that is excreted from the body; more often than not, used in relation to the discharge of watery like feces (such as; dysentery or diarrhea)
- Noun — (used in relation to physics) the number of changes in energy flow across a given surface per unit area; for instance, magnetic flux and/or electric flux
- Intransitive Verb — To flow
- Transitive Verb — To fuse through the use of flux
- Transitive Verb — To make fluid and/or to melt
What Is the Origin of Flux?
First noted between 1350-1400, the Middle English Flux is a derivative of the Latin fluxus (meaning flow) and the past participle of fluere, which means “to flow.”
What Are the Synonyms and Antonyms of Flux?
Now that you understand what the word flux means, let’s take a look at a few synonyms and antonyms, shall we?
In short, a synonym is a word that means nearly or exactly the same as another word, whereas an antonym is a word of the opposite meaning.
Synonyms of Flux
- Fluctuation
- Oscillation
- Inconstancy
- Unsteadiness
- Variability
- State of flux
- Fluxion
- Magnetic flux
- Changeableness
- Fitfulness
- See-sawing
- Rise and fall
- Yo-yoing
- Continuous change
- Rapid change
- Emotional rollercoaster
- Magnetic field
- Flux density
- Change
- Shift
- Variation
- Swing
- Movement
- Wobbles
- Waves
- Ebb and flow
- Temporariness
- To and fro
- Agitation
- Vacillation
- Modification
- Interpolation
- Intrusion
- Adding in
- Convergence
- Inrush
- Inpouring
- Dysentery
- Loose motions
- Diarrhea
- Delhi belly
- The runs
- Loose bowels
- Loose stools
- Metanoia
- Transformation
- Turning around
- Reformation
- Bowel movement
- Onrush
- Stampede
- Onslaught
- Tide
- Dash
- Headway
- Deluge
- Blitz
- Moving forward
- Carriage
- Melt
- Liquefy
- Thaw
- Fuse
- Meltdown
- Thaw out
- Break down
- Give in
- Become a solution
- Condense
- Flow
Antonyms of Flux
- Stability
- Constancy
- Rest
- Stagnation
- Stasis
- Absence of movement
- Unchangeableness
- Reliability
- Sureness
- Enduring nature
- Nonaction
- Immovability
- Lack of progress
- Firmness
- Torpor
- Torpidity
- Lasting nature
- Outflow
- Outpouring
- Gush
- Spate
- Efflux
- Inertness
- Unproductivity
- Trickle
- Influx
- Break
- Pause
- Recess
- Hiatus
- Cessation
- Interruption
- Stabilization
- Equilibrium
- Composure
- Drought
- Drouth
- Rivulet
- Runnel
- Condense
- Assemble
- Integrate
How Can You Use Flux in a Sentence?
By now, you likely understand that our word of the day describes something that constantly changes — but do you know how to use it in a sentence?
No worries; we’ve compiled a short list of sentence examples for you to study below:
Today was such an exciting day; we received hands-on training on the use of heat flux sensors and how they are used to measure the rate of heat flow — much better than our average day of textbook learning!
If you ask me, I think just about everyone can agree that this year has been one of flux.
New mobile phones are introduced to the market on a seemingly daily basis, due primarily to the fact that mobile phone technology is in flux.
Timmy said there is still some flux in the race.
After the passing of my mother, everything has been in a state of flux.
Our guest list for the wedding is in a constant state of flux, as we try to lower the headcount but then get reminded of family members we must include.
My mood swings have been fluctuating so much lately, that I think it’s safe to say my hormones are in a state of flux at the moment.
What Are Translations of Flux?
Did you know that the word flux can be said in more ways than one? Yup, it’s true — here are some common translations of flux:
- Afrikaans — Vloei
- Arabic — تدفق
- Bulgarian — тека
- Chinese (simplified) — 流
- Croatian — teći
- Czech — téct
- American English —
- Danish — strøm
- Dutch — vloeien
- Finnish — virtaus
- French — flux
- German — Fluss
- Greek — ρέω
- Italian — fluire
- Japanese — 流れる
- British English —
- Korean — 흐름
- Norwegian — flyte
- Polish — płynąć
- Portuguese — fluir
- Russian — течь
- Serbo-Croatian — fluks
- Spanish — fluir
- Swedish — rinna
- Thai — ไหล
- Turkish — akmak
- Ukrainian — текти
- Vietnamese — chảy
In short, the noun flux is most commonly used to describe something that is constantly changing but, as we discussed, is used in a variety of fields, with a few slightly varying meanings.
As such, it is always best to use proper context to not confuse any of your peers, friends, or family members when using your newfound knowledge on the noun flux.
Flux definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary