Abbreviation for building: What is it and how is it used in a sentence?

What is the abbreviation for building?

Want to know how to abbreviate the English word “building”? In this guide, we’ll be looking at what “building” means in English, how to abbreviate it, the history behind the word, when to use the abbreviation over the full word, and some examples of “building used in a sentence.

First, let’s look at some “building” abbreviations to remember.

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Want to know how to abbreviate the English word “building”? In this guide, we’ll be looking at what “building” means in English, how to abbreviate it, the history behind the word, when to use the abbreviation over the full word, and some examples of “building used in a sentence.

First, let’s look at some “building” abbreviations to remember.

How can I abbreviate “building”?

There are two different “building” abbreviations

●      BLDG – Used by the United States Postal Service. This abbreviation is also typically used by housing communities such as apartments, dorms, and condos to denote different building structures in their respective complexes.
●      BLD – Used by Universities in the United States.

There is no need for hyphens with this particular abbreviation. The cluster of capital letters is preferred when using this abbreviation.

What Does “Building” Mean?

According to, the definition of “building” is as follows:

Building [ bil-ding ] noun

  1. a relatively permanent enclosed construction over a plot of land, having a roof and usually windows and often more than one level, used for any of a wide variety of activities, as living, entertaining, or manufacturing.
  2. anything built or constructed.
  3. the act, business, or practice of constructing houses, office buildings, etc.

Synonym Study

According to, the definition of “building” is as follows:


  • architecture
  • construction
  • home
  • house
  • hut
  • domicile
  • edifice
  • erection
  • fabric
  • framework
  • pile
  • superstructure
  • ziggurat

When to Use This Abbreviation

The abbreviation “BLDG” should be used when referencing physical addresses for the post. “BLDG” is also typically used by housing communities to denote different building structures in their respective complexes. Like the former abbreviations, “BLD” should be used similarly to “BLDG” but within the context of schools and universities.

“BLDG” and “BLD” should not be used in casual speech or formal writing. Rather, both abbreviations should be used in technical documents or in address lists when sending items in the mail.

10 Examples of Using the Word Building and Building Abbreviations Correctly

 “John Z. Doe

1234 W Main Street


Anywhere, NY 99999”

2. “I left the music building for home at around ten o’clock in the evening.”

3. “People are building the Internet in order to connect with one another in a more substantial way– to share information, to co-work, to offer support and friendship, and so on.”

4. “Dr. James Smartguy

University of Anytown

1234 E Second Avenue

BLD 5 – Student Services

Anytown, CA 99999”

5. “Madame Charlotte was herself always deeply occupied: writing her friends and family letters with dainty stationery, solving formulas in higher mathematics, turning lye into intricate pieces of soap, working in the vegetable garden, or superintending the building that was always going on at her massive estate.”

6. “At long last the renovation of the small house on Main Street was completed. The final touch was to place several colorful bundles of forget-me-nots in bronze buckets along the front porch, adding a blaze of beautiful blue color to the years-old brown building that would soon be someone’s home.”

7. “Beth Someperson

1234 Happyplace Lane


Everycity, TX 99999”

8. “There were soldiers everywhere. They dragged huge logs and brushwood, working hard building shelters with a surprising level of cheer and joy; some were taking breaks to sit at the fire with a bottle of whiskey, while others were drying their now-clean garments on tight ropes drawn between trees.”

9. “The scientist slapped Nancy’s hand before her fingertips could brush the doorknob. ‘That, young lady’ he growled, ‘is the door to the research building you should never, ever enter. No matter what. That is, if you care for your own survival.”

10. “The property was bustling with life and energy and work. The building process was on its way, and the foundations of a number of houses and dormitories were already standing strong in such a short amount of time. The public health building was almost complete, as was the student center and the engineering building.”

11.”The administration building was an exhausting place to be. Everyone was so busy, and the guttural yelling of our boss was becoming unbearable. Some of us were thinking about quitting, but we’d miss our administration building coworkers far too much.”

12. “Shannon picked up the envelope and read the address to herself. ‘BLDG 5 – Memorial Hall.’ She could have sworn there was no such building on campus the other day, but there it was, plain as day on the brand new envelope postmarked less than a week ago.”

Photo source:Pixabay


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