Here are some words that start with Z [2-15 letter words]
15-Letter Words
zoogeographical – Adjective | Pertaining to the field of study that examines the geographic distribution of animals (zoogeography)
zoophysiologist – Noun | An expert who studies the way animals’ bodies function
zoophytological – Adjective | Pertaining to the branch of zoology concerning animals that resemble plants (zoophytes)
14-Letter Words
zinckification – Noun | The process of applying a zinc coating (also spelled zincification)
zincographical – Adjective | Pertaining to the process of engraving, photoengraving, or preparing printing surfaces on zinc
zoophytologist – Noun | An expert in the branch of zoology concerning animals that resemble plants (zoophytes)
zooxanthellate – Adjective | Pertaining to tiny plant-like organisms found within the cells of other organisms (zooxanthella)
zygobranchiate – Adjective | Pertaining to the Zygobranchia order of marine gastropods
13-Letter Words
zinjanthropus – Noun | An individual or fossil belonging to a genus of ancient hominids from the Lower Pleistocene period
zombification – Noun | The process of turning into a zombie or becoming zombie-like
zoogeographer – Noun | Expert who studies the geographic distribution of animals (zoogeography)
zooplanktonic – Adjective | Pertaining to small animals drifting or floating in the sea or fresh water (animal plankton)
zoosporangium – Noun | A spore case bearing independently motile spores
zygapophyseal – Adjective | Pertaining to the articular processes of the neural arch vertebrae (zygapophysis)
zygodactylism – Noun | The state of having feet with two toes facing forward and two facing backward
12-Letter Words
zincographic – Adjective | Pertaining to the process of engraving, photoengraving, or preparing printing surfaces on zinc
zoochemistry – Noun | A branch of biochemistry pertaining to the chemical processes within animals
zoogeography – Noun | A field of study that examines the geographic distribution of animals
zoologically – Adverb | In the manner of a branch of biology concerned with non-human animals
zooxanthella – Noun | Tiny plant-like organisms found within the cells of other organisms
zwitterionic – Adjective | Pertaining to an ion charged both positively and negatively
zygodactylic – Adjective | Having feet with two toes facing forward and two facing backward
zygomycetous – Adjective | Pertaining to fungus that reproduces using zygospores (zygomycete)
11-Letter Words
zeolitiform – Adjective | In the shape of crystalline minerals that form in cavities of igneous rock (zeolites)
zeptosecond – Noun | A sextillionth of a second
zinckifying – Verb | Coating with zinc
zwischenzug – Noun | A tactical chess move
zygodactyly – Noun | A bird with feet that feature two toes facing forward and two facing backward
zygomorphic – Adjective | Pertaining to a flower that is only symmetrical when bisected along a longitudinal plane
10-Letter Words
zelophobic – Noun | Fear of jealousy
zidovudine – Noun | Antiviral drug used to treat AIDS
zoothapsis – Noun | Premature burial
zootherapy – Noun | Form of therapy that uses animals
zugzwanged – Verb | Maneuvered into a chess position where any move results in a severe disadvantage
zygobranch – Noun | A creature belonging to the Zygobranchia order of marine gastropods
zygomycete – Noun | A fungus that reproduces using zygospores, belonging to the subclass Zygomycetes
9-Letter Words
zebrawood – Noun | Trees with striped wood
zettabyte – Noun | One sextillion bytes of computer storage
zibelline – Noun | Sable fur (also spelled zibeline)
zillionth – Noun | Very small fraction of something
zinfandel – Noun | Grape variety grown in California for winemaking
zirconium – Noun | A chemical element
zumbooruk – Noun | Small canon on a swiveling base
8-Letter Words
zamindar – Noun | Landowner who leased to tenant farmers in India during the time of British rule (also spelled zemindar)
zaratite – Noun | Emerald-colored mineral
zarzuela – Noun | A comical Spanish operetta
zealotry – Noun | Excessive devotion
zenithal – Adjective | Pertaining to the highest point or acme (zenith)
ziggurat – Noun | A pyramid-shaped Mesopotamian tower
zirconia – Noun | A crystalline compound used in enamels and glazes
zirconic – Adjective | Pertaining to the element zirconium
7-Letter Words
zapping – Verb | Destroying with radiation
zealous – Adjective | Displaying excessive fanaticism
zebroid – Adjective | Pertaining to zebras
zedoary – Noun | A medicinal Indian plant in the ginger family
zelkova – Noun | Japanese elm
zemstva – Noun | District assemblies in czarist Russia
zeolite – Noun | Ion-exchanging minerals that appear in cavities of lava
zigging – Verb | Executing a zig, often contrasted with “zagging”
zincify – Verb | To coat with zinc (also spelled zinkify)
zincing – Verb | Coating with zinc (also spelled zincking)
zincked – Verb | Coated with zinc (also spelled zinced)
zincoid – Adjective | Pertaining to zinc
zingaro – Noun | An Italian gypsy
zootomy – Noun | Study of animal anatomies
zymotic – Adjective | Pertaining to fermentation
zymurgy – Noun | The branch of chemistry that deals with fermentation in brewing, distilling, or winemaking
6-Letter Words
zaddik – Noun | A Hasidic spiritual leader
zaffre – Noun | Impure cobalt oxide or mixture, used to product blue ceramic glazes and smalt (also spelled zaffir, zaffer, and zaffar)
zaftig – Adjective | Voluptuous, full-figured
zander – Noun | A pikeperch fish
zapper – Noun | Someone who changes the channel frequently
zareba – Noun | A Sudanese protective barrier made of thorn bushes
zebeck – Noun | A mediterranean sailing vessel (also spelled xebec)
zechin – Noun | A sequin (also spelled zecchin)
zenana – Noun | Part of a house used exclusively by women
zephyr – Noun | A gentle breeze
zeroth – Adjective | Coming before the first in a series
zeugma – Noun | A figure of speech in which one word is paired with two different words and assumes a different meaning with each combination
zibeth – Noun | Civet cat native to South and Southeast Asia
zigzag – Verb | Move forward in a series of sharp turns
zillah – Noun | An administrative district in India
zinger – Noun | Something surprising, especially a witty comeback
zinnia – Noun | A genus of flowering shrubs and sub-shrubs
zipper – Noun | A sliding fastener with metal or plastic teeth
zither – Noun | A stringed instrument
zizith – Noun | Tassels that hang from traditional Jewish religious garments
zizzle – Noun | The hissing sound of food frying
zombie – Noun | A revived or reanimated corpse
zygoma – Noun | Cheekbone of a human skull
5-Letter Words
zamia – Noun | A genus of American plants with palm-like leaves
zanza – Noun | African musical instrument
zayin – Noun | Seventh letter of the Hebrew alphabet
zazen – Noun | Seated meditation in the Zen Buddhist tradition
zappy – Adjective | Active and energetic
zebus – Noun | Indian oxen
zesty – Adjective | Pleasingly spicy
zilch – Noun | Nothing, none, zero
zineb – Noun | Fungicidal powder, often used on fruits and vegetables
zingy – Adjective | Appealingly exciting
zinky – Adjective | Pertaining to zinc, having the characteristics of zinc (also spelled zincy and zincky)
zippy – Adjective| Fast and lively
zloty – Noun | Polish currency
4-Letter Words
zany – Adjective | Comically ludicrous
zarf – Noun | A metal coffee holder used in the Eastern Mediterranean
zein – Noun | A protein in corn that is used to make plastics, adhesives, and textile fibers
zerk – Noun | A metal fitting that enables grease to be inserted into a mechanical joint
zeta – Noun | Sixth letter of the Greek alphabet
ziti – Noun | Tube-shaped pasta
zona – None | An anatomical zone
zoon – Noun | The individual members that make up a compound organism
zori – Noun | A Japanese thonged sandal
zyme – Noun | An agent that brings about fermentation
3-Letter Words
zax – Noun | A tool used for cutting and piercing roof slates
zed – Noun | The letter “Z”
zee – Noun | The letter “Z”
zek – Noun | A prisoner in a soviet labor camp
zoo – Noun | A public exhibition of wild animals
2-Letter Words
za – Noun | Slang term for pizza
zo – Noun | Tibetan breed of cattle
By looking at this list, you may be able to identify some common prefixes. Words that start with “zoo” often have something to do with animal life. Words beginning with “zygo” often involve pairs. Understanding these linguistic patterns can help you to intuit what a word means, even when you don’t have a dictionary handy.
Use words that start with the letter zed to add some zing to your vocabulary. If you memorize this list, you’ll be able to impress your friends with zippy answers to their toughest zymotic questions. No word finder or crossword puzzle will be able to stump you. From za to zincographical, you’ll be prepared with the right Z-word for any occasion.
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