Words That Start With W: Your Scrabble Cheat Sheet

We all want to be wonderfully well-spoken. When you’re worrying over a game of Words with Friends or Scrabble, win more often by wrapping your head around the letter W. Wish your writing would withstand wanton criticism? Well, try wrangling some W-words. W is the 23rd letter of the English alphabet, but it wiggles into first place for some wacky and whimsical words! You’ll wreak havoc with your vocabulary when you work to widen your repertoire. Why not welcome more words that begin with the letter W into your vocabulary?

We’ve created this list of words for you, organized by the number of letters in each word. Many of these words have more than one meaning. For simplicity, we’ve only listed one definition for each word. Keep in mind, this word list doesn’t contain every single English word that starts with W; however, it’s a useful introduction to this very special letter.

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Here are some words that start with W [2-15 letter words]

15-Letter Words

weatherstripped – Verb | Fitted with a thin strip of metal, felt, or wood to keep out drafts and rain

whatchamacallit – Noun | Something with a name that’s been forgotten 

wondermongering – Verb | Telling of miracles or freakish things

wrongheadedness – Noun | The quality of being wrong in judgement or opinion

14-Letter Words

watertightness – Noun | The state of being impermeable to water, due to tight-fitting construction

weightlessness – Noun | An instance of being free from gravity

westernization – Noun | The adoption of western traditions or methods

wheelbarrowing – Verb | Conveying in an open container with a wheel in the front and two handles and legs in the back

13-Letter Words

watercolorist – Noun | A person who paints using a water dispersion of a binding material such as glue, casein, or gum

whistleblower – Noun | An employee who reports an employer to a regulating agency 

wicketkeeping – Noun | The role of a cricket player who stands behind the wicket, fielding balls

winterization – Noun | The process of equipping for winter

12-Letter Words

weatherboard – Verb | To cover with clapboards or siding

westernizing – Verb | Making western, especially more like noncommunist Europe and America, in character and habits

wholehearted – Adjective | Completely sincere

wordsmithery – Noun | The craft of working with words

11-Letter Words

warehousing – Verb | Storing in a storeroom or warehouse

wastebasket – Noun | A receptacle for trash

watercourse – Noun | A channel or stream of water

windbreaker – Noun | A light, wind-resistant jacket

10-Letter Words

wallflower – Noun | A shy person

watermelon – Noun | A large, rounded fruit with pink flesh, a green or white rind, and many seeds

windjammer – Noun | A crew member of a sailing ship

workaholic – Noun | A person with a compulsion to work

9-Letter Words

waistband – Noun | Material that forms a band around the top of pants, shorts, or skirts

walkabout – Noun | An Australian Aboriginal tradition of breaking from modern life, usually involving travel in the bush

wantonize – Verb | To indulge in lasciviousness 

waribashi – Noun | Disposable bamboo or wood chopsticks

8-Letter Words

walleyed – Adjective | Having large, staring, fish-like eyes

wartweed – Noun | Any of various plants thought to cure warts

wildcard – Noun | A playing card that can assume the value of another card, as determined by the player (also spelled wild card) 

windward – Noun | The side from which the wind blows

7-Letter Words

wagging – Verb | Swinging back and forth or up and down in a jerking movement

walkout – Noun | A strike

washtub – Noun | A basin used for cleaning clothes or linens

whemmle – Verb | To overturn (Scottish English)

6-Letter Words

waddle – Noun | A swaying, clumsy way of walking

waffle – Verb | To vacillate

wallop – Verb | To strike

wallow – Verb | To indulge oneself, especially with self-pity 

walrus – Noun | A large marine mammal with tusks and flippers

wheeze – Verb | To breathe in a labored way, often making a whistling sound

wicket – Noun | A gate, door, or window, especially one with an opening for communication

5-Letter Words

wacke- Noun | A dark gray sandstone

wacko – Noun | A person who is wacky or mentally unstable

wader – Noun | A shorebird

wahoo – Interjection | An expression of enthusiasm

waken – Verb | To rouse from sleep

walla -Noun | A person connected to a particular function, thing, or place (also spelled wallah)

washy – Adjective | Watery

waver – Verb | To vacillate 

waxen – Adjective | Pallid and unusually smooth, resembling wax

whack – Verb | To strike

whiff – Noun | A slight gust or inhalation

whoop – Verb | To shout

wigan – Noun | A cotton fabric used to stiffen parts of a garment

wince – Verb | To flinch from pain

winch – Noun | A crank with a handle that generates motion for a machine

wiper – Noun | Something used for wiping

withe – Verb | To bind with a flexible branch or twig

wonky – Adjective| Unsteady

wrung – Verb | Twisted to extract moisture

4-Letter Words

wadi – Noun | A gully in southwestern Asia or northern Africa that is dry except during the wet season

waft – Verb | To travel lightly on a breeze

waif – Noun | An unusually thin girl or woman

wain – Noun | A wagon or cart for farm use

wair – Noun | A piece of lumber, six feet by one foot in size

wame – Noun | The belly (Scottish English) 

wane – Verb | To dwindle or decrease

wark – Noun | Work (Scottish English) 

weal – Noun | A state of health and well-being

wean – Verb | To gradually separate a mammal from its mother’s milk

weft – Noun | The horizontal threads in a woven fabric

wend – Verb | To journey or proceed

wham – Noun | The loud sound caused by an explosion or impact

whet – Verb | To sharpen by means of friction

whew – Interjection | An expression of relief or amazement

whey – Noun | A milky serum that occurs as part of the cheese-making process

wile – Noun | Skilled trickery

wisp – Noun | A slender streak or trace

wold – Noun | An open region of rolling hills

woof – Noun | The gruff bark of a dog

3-Letter Words

wab – Noun | Web (Scottish English) 

wae – Noun | Sorrow (Scottish English)

wag – Verb | To swing back and forth or up and down in a jerking movement

wap – Verb | To beat or hit

waw – Noun | The 6th letter of the Hebrew alphabet (also spelled vav) 

wiz – Noun | Someone who is very skilled in a particular area (also spelled whiz) 

wok – Noun | A bowl-shaped pan used for cooking Chinese dishes

wot –  Verb | To know

wye – Noun | The 25th letter of the English alphabet

wyn – Noun | The runic equivalent of the letter W used in Old and Middle English (also spelled wynn) 

2-Letter Words

we – Pronoun | A group that includes oneself and others

wo – Noun | Sorrow (also spelled woe) 

Because W came to the Latin alphabet during the Middle Ages, later than most other letters, fewer roots, prefixes, and suffixes begin with W. As the Encyclopedia Britannica explains, “W was introduced by Norman scribes to represent the English sound w (a semivowel) and to differentiate it from the v sound.” It’s also the only letter with a name—”double u”—that does not correspond to its phonetic transcription—”wa.” The digraph “uu” first appeared in the 8th century in Old High German, but now languages with the letter W include English, Dutch, Welsh, Swedish, Polish, and many more.

Wager on words that start with the letter W—wise weapons for any wayward wordsmith. Why writhe with writer’s block? It’s way easier to wax poetic and whip up a few winsome whoppers. Weigh the words on this list, then wander around giving world-class wisecracks a whirl. No word finder, word game, or puzzle will withstand your willingness to wrest victory from weaklings. From wo to weatherstripped, a wellspring of W-words won’t waste your time or make you weary. 


  1. https://www.merriam-webster.com
  2. https://www.collinsdictionary.com
  3. https://www.dictionary.com
  4. https://www.yourdictionary.com/
  5. https://word.tips/words-start-with/w/
  6. https://www.britannica.com/topic/alphabet-writing/Later-development-of-the-Latin-alphabet