Here are some words that start with Q [2-15 letter words]
15-Letter Words
quadripartition – Noun | Division into four sections
quarterfinalist – Noun | A person competing in the round immediately preceding the semifinal round of a competition
quinquagenarian – Noun | A person in his or her 50’s
quintuplication – Noun | The act of multiplying by five
14-Letter Words
quadrisyllable – Noun | A word with four syllables
quantification – Noun | The process of measuring or counting
querimoniously – Adverb | In a complaining manner
quincentennial – Noun | 500th anniversary celebration
13-Letter Words
quadriliteral – Adjective | Having four letters
qualificative – Noun | A word that qualifies, often an adjective
quantivalence – Noun | Quantitative or measurable equivalence
quasiparticle – Noun | A composite entity that behaves like a single particle
12-Letter Words
quadriphonic – Adjective | Pertaining to sound recordings with four separate channels (also spelled quadraphonic)
quadriplegia – Noun | Paralysis from the neck down
quantifiable – Adjective | Possible to measure
quintessence – Noun | Exemplary, a representative of a category
11-Letter Words
quacksalver – Noun | A charlatan
quadrennial – Adjective | Lasting four years
quadrillion – Noun | A number equal to 1,000,000,000,000,000 (American English)
quicksilver – Adjective | Mercurial, prone to changing moods
10-Letter Words
quadcopter – Noun | A four-rotor helicopter without a pilot
quadricone – Noun | A mathematical term for a quadric surface made by the motion of a line through a fixed point
quadrivium – Noun | Advanced liberal arts subjects studied at medieval universities, which included music theory, arithmetic, geometry, and astronomy
quatrefoil – Noun | A four-petaled representation of a flower
9-Letter Words
quadruple – Verb | To increase by one multiple of four
queenfish – Noun | An Indo-Pacific game fish
queenlike – Adjective | Regal, befitting a queen
quizzical – Adjective | Indicating puzzlement or disbelief
8-Letter Words
quaestor – Noun | An official in ancient Rome who was responsible for financial administration
quagmire – Noun | A difficult predicament
quandary – Noun | A state of doubt
quantile – Noun | Statistical term describing the distribution of a population into a given number of equal groupings
quenelle – Noun | A preparation of minced meat or fish, poached and often served with cream sauce
quisling – Noun | A person who collaborates with an occupying army
7-Letter Words
qiviut – Noun | Yarn spun from the undercoat of a musk ox
quaffer – Noun | Someone who enthusiastically drinks a beverage
quaking – Verb | Trembling
quantic – Noun | A mathematical term for a rational, homogenous function of two or more variables with both rational and irrational coefficients
quetzal – Noun | A Central American bird with green and red plumage
querist – Noun | One who questions
quibble – Verb | To evade the main point of an argument by arguing about less important matters, especially language
quitter – Noun | A person who gives up easily
quizzer – Noun | Someone who administers a test
6-Letter Words
qintar – Noun | Albanian currency
quaere – Verb | To ask a question
quagga – Noun | Extinct southern African mammal related to the zebra
quahog – Noun | An edible clam found in the Atlantic Ocean, off the coast of the United States
quaich – Noun | A small Scottish drinking vessel with handles
qubyte – Noun | A unit of eight quantum bits
queazy – Adjective | Nauseated
quelea – Noun | An African weaverbird
quench – Verb | To satisfy with water or another liquid
quiche – Noun | A savory pie made with eggs, cream, and filling
quince – Noun | An Asia tree fruit
quitch – Noun | A quick-spreading European grass
quokka – Noun | A short-tailed marsupial found in southwestern Australia
5-Letter Words
qanat – Noun | An underground aqueduct used to channel water for irrigation in the ancient Middle East
quack – Noun | A charlatan, especially someone claiming to be skilled in medicine
quaff – Noun | An enjoyable drink
quake – Noun | An instance of trembling, as in an earthquake
qualm – Noun | A feeling of uneasiness, especially about matters of conscience
quash – Verb | To extinguish thoroughly
quass – Noun | A fermented alcoholic beverage popular in eastern Europe (also spelled kvass)
qubit – Noun | A computing term for a single quantum bit
quern – Noun | A hand mill for grinding grain or corn
quiff – Noun | Hairstyle with a prominent lock of hair in the front
quint – Noun | One of five children resulting from the same pregnancy
quipu – Noun | Ancient Peruvian calculating device made of knotted textiles
quire – Noun | One twentieth of a ream of paper
quirt – Noun | A riding whip with a braided lash
quirk – Noun | A unique characteristic or idiosyncrasy
quoin – Noun | A distinctive exterior cornerstone of a building
quoit – Noun | A ring of iron or rope used in a tossing game
quoll – Noun | A carnivorous marsupial found in Australia and New Guinea
quoth – Verb | An archaic word meaning said, usually followed by the subject who spoke
qursh – Noun | Saudi Arabian currency (also spelled qurush or ghirsh)
qwerty – Noun | A standard English-language keyboard
4-Letter Words
qadi – Noun | A judge of Islamic law
qaid – Noun | A Muslim administrator, judge, and tax collector in northern Africa (also spelled caid)
qoph – Noun | The 19th letter of the Hebrew alphabet
quad – Noun | The greater extensor muscle of the thigh, quadriceps
quey – Noun | A young cow
quip – Verb | To make a clever, spur-of-the-moment remark
3-Letter Words
qat – Noun | A shrub used as a stimulant in Africa and the Middle East (also spelled khat)
qua – Preposition | Assuming the function or character of
2-Letter Words
qi – Noun | Vital energy
By looking at this list, you may be able to identify some common prefixes. Words that start with “quant” often have something to do with counting. Words beginning with “quad” and “quint” involve the numbers four and five. Understanding these linguistic patterns can help you to intuit what a word means, even when you don’t have a dictionary handy.
Use words that start with the letter cue to get yourself out of linguistic quagmires. If you memorize this list, you’ll be able to impress your friends with quirky answers to their toughest queries. No word finder or crossword puzzle will leave you in a quandary. From qi to quarterfinalist, you’ll be prepared with the right Q-word for any occasion.
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