Euphemism Example: What It Is and How To Use It

Do you know what euphemism is? This article will provide you with all of the information you need on euphemism, including its definition, usage, example sentences, and more!

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What is euphemism?

According to Your Dictionary, a euphemism is a polite expression used in place of words or phrases that might otherwise be considered harsh, offensive or unpleasant. If it has a negative connotation, it is called a dysphemism. These substitutions are similar to idioms as well. This literary device can be used for political correctness and is used in many a novel, short story and play, from Othello by William Shakespeare used by the character Iago to George Orwell’s 1984 with the Minipax Ministry of Peace, in Monty Python, the great Caesar and Agrippa in Antony and Cleopatra, and more. Check out these literary examples from Literary Devices.

  • “The question is…are you still master of your domain?” (Seinfeld episode about masturbation)
  • “Oh, fudge. Only I didn’t say fudge.” (A Christmas Story, profane word)
  • “At least I’m housebroken.” (The Big Lebowski, uses bathroom properly)
  • “I slipped my moorings.” (David Petraeus, extramarital affair)
  • “Perhaps we have been guilty of some terminological inexactitudes.” (Winston Churchill, not telling the exact truth)
  • “The love shack is a little old place where we can get together.” (Love Shack, B52s, rendezvous place)
  • “Gimme some sugar.” (Evil Dead, kiss)
  • “Another bride, another June / Another sunny honeymoon / Another season, another reason /  For makin’ whoopee” (Makin’ Whoopee, Ella Fitzgerald, having sex)
  • “I brought juice boxes!” (Will and Grace episode, boxes of wine)
  • “Oh no, she’s all there. Too much there is the problem.” (Driving Miss Daisy, an older woman’s mental fitness)

What are examples of euphemism?

Common examples of euphemism can be used in many different contexts in the English language. Trying to use a word or literary technique in a sentence is one of the best ways to memorize what it is, but you can also try making flashcards or quizzes that test your knowledge. Try using this term of the day in a sentence today! Below are a couple of examples of euphemism that can help get you started incorporating this tool into your everyday use.  Take a look at these euphemism examples from Your Dictionary and see how many you can say! Some of them are quite a challenge. Others are from famous authors and writers. 

  •  break wind instead of pass gas or fart
  •  economical instead of cheap
  •  truth-challenged instead of dishonest
  •  going to third base instead of sexual touching
  •  put to sleep instead of euthanizing a pet
  •  doing it for having sex
  •  Passed away instead of died
  •  between jobs instead of unemployed
  •  considering options instead of unable to find a job
  •  Pushing up daisies instead of died
  •  correctional facility instead of prison
  •  the beast with two backs instead of sex
  •  well-off instead of rich
  •  number two for a bowel movement
  •  upchuck instead of vomit
  •  Departed instead of deceased
  •  powder your nose instead of go to the toilet
  •  wealthy instead of rich
  •  overzealous instead of aggressive
  •  meet your maker instead of pass away
  •  BO instead of body odor
  •  a few sandwiches short of a picnic instead of stupid
  •  inquisitive instead of asking questions incessantly
  •  lost their marbles instead of mental illness
  •  termination instead of abortion
  •  rear instead of buttocks
  •  au natural instead of naked or nude
  •  outstanding payment instead of past-due bill
  •  with child instead of pregnant
  •  upside-down instead of owing more on an asset than it is worth
  •  letting someone go instead of firing an employee
  •  precocious instead of badly behaved
  •  porcelain throne instead of toilet
  •  pre-owned instead of something used
  •  running a little behind instead of late
  •  late instead of deceased
  •  see a man about a horse instead of go to the bathroom/restroom
  •  left the company instead of quit, walked off the job or got fired
  •  petite instead of short
  •  special instead of conforming with expectations
  •  enhanced interrogation instead of torture
  •  otherwise engaged instead of doing something else
  •  number one instead of urination
  •  aging instead of getting old
  •  economically challenged instead of poor
  •  big-boned instead of large
  •  curvy instead of fat
  •  unique instead of odd or weird
  •  resting in peace for deceased
  •  big-boned instead of overweight
  •  seasoned instead of old
  •  thrifty instead of cheap
  •  well-fed instead of overweight
  •  gone over the rainbow bridge instead of died
  •  sleeping with for having sex with
  •  Resting in peace instead of deceased
  •  departed instead of died
  •  gentlemen’s club instead of strip club
  •  number two instead of defecation
  •  going all the way instead of having sex
  •  economically disadvantaged instead of poor or impoverished
  •  friends with benefits instead of friends having sex
  •  under the weather instead of sick or ill
  •  negative patient outcome instead of died
  •  embarking on a journey of self-discovery instead of jobless
  •  gone home instead of died
  •  bun in the oven instead of pregnancy
  •  dearly departed instead of deceased
  •  over-employed instead of in a job that is beyond one’s capabilities
  •  financially fortunate instead of spoiled
  •  likes to shop instead of chronic overspending
  •  passed instead of died
  •  bun in the oven instead of pregnant
  •  roll in the hay instead of have sex
  •  in a family way instead of pregnant
  •  pursuing other opportunities instead of quitting or being fired
  •  tinkle for urinate
  •  correctional facility instead of jail or prison
  •  frugal instead of cheap
  •  Kicked the bucket instead of died
  •  Bought The Farm instead of died
  •  hanky panky for fooling around; could be “making out” or sexual intercourse
  •  my position was eliminated instead of I got fired
  •  Met untimely demise instead of died
  •  split instead of divorce
  •  sleeping around for cheating on one’s partner
  •  no longer with us instead of deceased
  •  had one too many instead of drunk
  •  gone to heaven instead of died
  •  afternoon delight for daytime sex
  •  number one for urinate
  •  birds and the bees instead of how babies are made
  •  negative cash flow instead of in debt
  •  highly strung instead of poorly behaved
  •  time of the month instead of menstruating
  •  chose to resign instead of being given no alternative other than to quit or get fired
  •  outspoken instead of bossy
  •  golden years instead of old age
  •  blowing smoke instead of lying
  •  under-employed instead of in a job that is below a person’s career level
  •  otherwise occupied instead of busy
  •  visit the ladies’ room instead of go to the bathroom
  •  unavailable instead of not here
  •  go around the bend instead of to go insane
  •  experienced instead of old
  •  senior instead of old
  •  thin on top instead of bald
  •  belch instead of burp
  •  adult entertainment instead of pornography
  •  taking an early retirement instead of losing one’s job
  •  sniffles instead of runny nose
  •  making whoopee instead of having sex
  •  passed over to the other side instead of died
  •  put to sleep instead of euthanize
  •  downsized instead of fired
  •  developing country instead of a third-world or impoverished nation
  •  indisposed instead of in the bathroom
  •  late bloomer instead of being behind grade level

Overall, euphemistic phrases are a modification made to a phrase to downplay it or make it less offensive. This could be an abbreviation, idiom, slang terms,  and others.


  1. 45+ Literary Devices and Terms Every Writer Should Know | Reedsy 
  2. Examples of Euphemism: 80+ Common Phrases | Your Dictionary 
  3. Euphemism – Examples and Definition of Euphemism | Literary Devices