Double Comparison: What It Is and How To Use It

Do you know what a double comparison is? This article will provide you with all of the information you need on double comparisons, including its definition, usage, example sentences, and more!

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What is a double comparison?

According to Thought Co, a double comparison has a couple of different definitions. First, it can be used in English grammar to express proportionate increase or decrease ro show a cause and effect type of change. These are commonly in the forms the more/the more, the more/the less, the less/the more, and making comparisons using adjectives, adverbs and nouns. These often use comparative forms like superlatives that have er and est endings. Varieties of English sentences use these. Lower degree is often expressed in periphrastic form versus a higher degree with an inflectional ending. However, there are special cases.

This is also a method in programming languages like Java. According to Geeks for Geeks, the compare() method of Double Class is a built-in method in Java that has the ability to compare two specified double values. The sign of the integer value that is returned is the same as that of the integer that would be returned by the function call. The accepted parameters are double d1: The first double value to be compared, and double d2: The second double value to be compared. It will return value 0 if d1 is numerically equal to d2, a  negative value if d1 is numerically less than d2 or a positive value if d1 is numerically greater than d2. These could also be called double x and double y. This algorithm uses precision to compare the magnitude of the absolute values and their superlative degree. Float and double comparison of floating point numbers can be tricky. After comparing, you can use a ToString(), ToPrimitive() or ToNumber() function to convert after the use of double comparison.

What are examples of double comparisons?

The use of double comparisons can be used in many different contexts in the English language. Trying to use a word or literary technique in a sentence is one of the best ways to memorize what it is, but you can also try making flashcards or quizzes that test your knowledge. Try using this term of the day in a sentence today! Below are a couple of examples of double comparison that can help get you started incorporating this tool into your everyday use.  Take a look at these double comparison examples from Learn English Today and Thought Co and see how many you can identify the double comparison in!

  •  The more educated women are, the later they marry.
  •  The heavier it rains, the darker the sky is.
  • The more experienced the technician is, the more satisfying the repair will be.
  •  What price range are you interested in? The cheaper the better.
  •  The older we grow, the wiser we become.
  •  The faster you walk, the more quickly you will arrive.
  • The more dangerous the amusement park ride is, the less management worries about making a profit.
  • The easier the test is, the longer students will wait to prepare.
  • The more time you take, the better the assignment your turn in.
  •  The younger you begin to learn a language, the easier it is.
  • The more money you spend, the less money you save. 
  •  The more food I see, the less appetite I have.
  •  The more carefully you plan, the better the result will be.
  • There are more and more people coming to this vacation spot.
  • The nicer the customer service representative is, the happier the customer will be. 
  •  The more we work, the more we earn.
  •  The better our behavior, the nicer Nan will be.
  •  The less people listen, the more impatient they become.
  • The more you study, the more you learn.
  • The crazier the idea is, the more fun it is to try.
  • The more money and time he spends with her, the happier he becomes.
  • The more people that come to the party, the more food we will need.
  • The longer the play lasts, the more bored the audience becomes.
  • It seems like there is less and less time to spend with the family these days.
  • The richer the person is, the more privilege he enjoys.
  •  The more help we give them, the more they request.
  •  The brighter the sun, the happier people feel.
  •  The more I worry, the less I sleep.
  • Think harder, get smarter.
  •  The darker the berry, the juicier it is.
  •  The stronger the wind blows, the colder we feel.
  •  The more you study, the more you learn.
  •  The less you exercise, the more weight you put on.
  •  The more money he makes, the more expensive things he buys.
  • The happier the child is, the more the mom can relax.
  •  The colder the weather is, the hungrier I am.
  • The less money I spend, the less I have to worry about saving.
  • The less you worry about the others, the less they will bother you.
  • The less Mary thinks about the problem, the more relaxed she feels.
  • The faster the car is, the more dangerous it is to drive.
  •  The less we spend, the more we save.
  •  The more the sales assistant explains, the less I understand.
  • The more difficult the test is, the more students should study.
  •  The less we worry, the more relaxed we become.
  • Recently, people are finding more and more time to spend with their families.
  •  The more we spend, the less we save.
  • The more high-tech the car is, the more expensive the modal will cost. 
  •  The less I concentrate, the more I forget.
  •  How do you like your coffee? The stronger the better.
  • Play less, study more.
  •  The harder you work, the more rapidly you will obtain results.
  •  Can I bring a friend? Sure. The more the merrier!
  •  The more furniture I buy, the more space I need.
  •  The more I read, the less I remember.

Overall, a double comparison is used to compare two things.


  1. Double Comparatives in the English Language | Thought Co 
  2. COMPARATIVES using ‘The’…’the’, with examples | Learn English Today 
  3. Double compare() Method in Java with Examples | Geeks for Geeks