If you think Boxing Day is a holiday that celebrates fighters — think again! Read on to discover the true meaning behind Boxing Day and its origin.
June 27, 2022
Common Questions
If you think Boxing Day is a holiday that celebrates fighters — think again! Read on to discover the true meaning behind Boxing Day and its origin.
Despite what many people think, Boxing Day is not a holiday designated to celebrate famous fighters duking it out in the ring. In fact, it has absolutely nothing to do with the sport of boxing. So, what exactly is Boxing Day then?
Interested in learning more? We can help. Read on to get the scoop on this beloved holiday and all it entails.
While some may know December 26th as the start of Santa’s well-deserved vacation, a day to give gifts to loved ones and friends. It is known in the United Kingdom (U.K.) and other British Commonwealth countries as Boxing Day.
Though it may have been a holiday originating in giving to the less fortunate, much like Black Friday that’s celebrated in the United States, Boxing Day has turned into a major shopping holiday. Many stores have their biggest sales during this time with high discounts on their best-selling products.
In fact, some families even hold off on buying Christmas gifts in an attempt to get the best prices on items. Saving up to purchase gifts on Boxing Day is common. Getting the best price on items means more money to spend on gifts making it worth it to many.
According to the Encylopedia Britannica, Boxing Day came from the custom of giving servants their “Christmas boxes,” gifts of money or goods in return for reliable service throughout the prior year. These gifts were bestowed upon the servants the day after Christmas.
That said, one of the earliest records of these gifts dates all the way back to 1663. In a diary entry, English Parliamentarian Samuel Pepys wrote that he sent a coach and messenger to his shoemaker to deliver “something to the boy’s box against Christmas” in addition to money to cover his bill.
In the period of Queen Victoria’s reign between 1837 and 1901, Boxing Day evolved into an occasion for church parishioners to deposit donations that were given to the poor. That meaning has greatly changed today.
To ensure that you learn all there is to know about our word of the day, we have included a few fun facts, historical events, and trivia nuggets on Boxing Day:
Simply put, Boxing Day is just one of the many various public holidays (known simply as bank holidays in the U.S.) celebrated by a number of people in the U.K. Below, we have included a list of other public holidays that are currently recognized in the United States as well as the United Kingdom.
United States (2022):
United Kingdom (2022):
A day that was traditionally for servants, Boxing Day is a public holiday that occurs annually on December 26th — otherwise known as the day after Christmas.
Although anyone can celebrate Boxing Day, this memorable holiday is most popular in Britain, New Zealand, Australia, Canada, and other Commonwealth countries. In America, Boxing Day is called Black Friday. Both are shopping days to get the best deals on items at the stores. Many people save their money to go on shopping sprees on this day to buy their loved ones gifts.
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