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Is “Each” Singular or Plural?

Indefinite Pronouns Each is an indefinite pronoun. Indefinite pronouns are uncountable, and in that way they’re different from most other pronouns. With the pronoun they, you know that a concrete number of people are being referenced. The pronoun I refers

Alright vs. all right?

What is the difference between alright vs. all right? The word alright is an adjective, adverb, and exclamation that simply combines “all right” into one word. English speakers say “alright" in place of expressions like, "yes," "okay," "for sure," or

How to Write a Memo

Parts of a Memo A memo usually begins with a header that says "Memorandum" at the top of the page in a large font. Beneath that, a memo contains fields including the recipient, sender, date, and subject line.  TO: FROM: