The Plural of Analysis: What is it and how to use it?

This guide will get you off to a great start with including analysis and its plural form in your writing. In addition, you’ll learn how to pronounce the plural form of analysis, the different contexts in which the word is used, the origin of the word, and more. 

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What Is the Definition Of the Word Analysis?

According to, the word analysis has multiple definitions and uses. The word is used for a specific purpose in different disciplines. These include mathematics and psychology (Freud, anyone?)

The main definition for analysis, as defined by Merriam-Webster’s dictionary, is “a detailed examination of anything complex in order to understand its nature or to determine its essential features; a thorough study.” You have probably heard this word used in relation to literature, philosophy, art, film and any other subject matter that can be picked apart and dissected.

The majority of the times you’ll use the word analysis in your writing will most likely refer to “a thorough study,” or “a detailed examination of anything complex.” However, if you are referring to analysis in the context of a specific discipline such as psychology or mathematics, the definitions will vary slightly.

In mathematics, the definition of analysis by Merriam-Webster’s dictionary as “proof of a mathematical proposition by assuming the result and deducing a valid statement by a series of reversible steps.” This may sound confusing, but mathematical analysis is the aspect of mathematics that deals with limits and functions ­– this includes calculus, differential geometry, and more.

In psychology, there is a prominent theory known as psychoanalysis. Merriam-Webster’s dictionary defines psychoanalysis as “a method of analyzing psychic phenomena and treating emotional disorders that involves treatment sessions during which the patient is encouraged to talk freely about personal experiences and especially about early childhood and dreams.” This theory was invented by Sigmund Freud, one of the most famous and polarizing figures in the field of psychology 

What Is The Plural Form Of the Word Analysis?

Analysis is a singular noun in the American English language. The verb analyze refers to conducting an analysis of something. The plural form of analysis is analyses. Careful, though, not to confuse the plural noun analyses with the verb analyzes. It’s just a one-letter difference between them and it’s easy to miss!

How Do You Pronounce Analyses?

Now that you know the plural form of analysis, it’s important to know how to pronounce it. To learn how to pronounce analyses, make use of the helpful pronunciation guide below:


Just like the singular analysis, the emphasis in analyses is on the second syllable, “nal.” The verb analyze has not only a different spelling but a different pronunciation as well. Any time you hear the “eyes’ ‘ sound, you know you are hearing the verb instead of the noun.

The History and Origin of the Word

The first recorded use of the word analysis was in the late 14th century. The word is Greek in origin, with the original Greek meaning being “to loosen up.” 

The word analysis has taken on different meanings as centuries have passed. It is now frequently used in relation to digital information – you may have heard of analytics, which Merriam-Webster’s dictionary defines as “the analysis of data, typically large sets of business data, by the use of mathematics, statistics, and computer software.” Today, data analysis, also known as analytics, is a major aspect of how businesses grow and improve.

Analysis in any context is conducted to break something down to its core in order to understand it more deeply. As new disciplines, schools of thought and technologies have arisen throughout the centuries, new forms of analysis have been invented to correspond with each innovation. Humans are curious creatures, and we analyze things to learn and understand what is going on under the surface!

 Examples Of the Word In Context

Analysis and Analyses have multiple meanings and uses, as you’ve already learned. Read below for some handy example sentences of the word used in singular form and plural form in context.

–       “After conducting a detailed analysis of the text, the critic found that he appreciated the book’s subtext and thematic elements.”

–       “After compiling the meta analyses from all the researchers, a positive correlation was established.”

–       “The psychologist suggested the use of psychoanalysis to help the client process childhood trauma.”

–       “A philosopher often deals with the separate analysis and application of multiple schools of thought.”

–       “Film analysis takes a piece of cinema and dissects it, looking under the surface for deeper meanings, themes and subtext.”

–        “A chemical analysis was done to determine the substance in the vial.”

–       “A literary critic sometimes reviews multiple analyses of a book before writing his own detailed analysis of the book.”

–       “Jenny could tell that Rob was conducting a careful analysis of the situation, trying to break it down and figure out what she should say.”

–       “If it wasn’t for the detailed analyses of Nietzsche’s writings, she would have been lost and confused.”

–       “When entering into his mathematical analysis class, Joey always had to make sure he was up to speed on his knowledge of limits.”

Synonyms For Analysis and Analyses

It’s always a great idea to know lots of useful synonyms for any word you are using in your writing. Synonyms make your writing more interesting and provide you with alternatives to a word that may be more fitting or precise. Some of the strongest synonyms for analysis and analyses are listed below:

–       Inquiry or Inquiries

–       Investigation or Investigations

–       Reasoning of Reasonings

–       Scrutiny (singular only)

–       Search or Searches

–       Study or Studies

–       Test or Tests

Off To A Great Start

Now that you know the definition, pronunciation, origin, plural and synonyms of analysis, you’re off to a great start! Now you have all the tools you need to include this useful word in your writing with confidence.

