- Kevin
- March 8, 2023
- Common Questions
The beloved game of Monopoly has been around for ages — but do you know what the word “monopoly” means or where it came from? Not to worry; we’ll tell you.
In this post, we’re exploring the word monopoly (/məˈnɒp ə li/ /məˈnɒpəli/ /məˈnɑː.pəl.i/) to uncover its definition, origin, proper usage, and more. We’ll also go over a few interesting facts about America’s favorite classic board game. So, if you’ve ever been curious about our word of the day — keep reading.
What Is the Definition of Monopoly?
According to Dictionary.com, the noun monopoly can be defined in a few various ways, including:
- The market condition in which there is only one seller
- A group or company that has such control
- The excessive control or possession of any one thing
- An exclusive privilege to carry on traffic, service, or business granted by a government
- A board game that many of us have a love/hate relationship with, Monopoly is a board game in which each player is attempting to gain a monopoly of various real estate. It should also be noted that the board game Monopoly always has the initial letter capitalized.
- Exclusive control of a service or commodity in any particular market; or control over a market that deems it possible to manipulate the prices in said market.
Below, you will find other words formed from “monopoly” that you may encounter on your journey to learning all there is to know about our word of the day:
- Adjective — pro·mo·nop·o·ly
- Noun — pre·mo·nop·o·ly
- Adjective — (plural) pre·mo·nop·o·lies
- Adjective — mo·nop·o·loid
- Adjective — an·ti·mo·nop·o·ly
What Is the Etymology of Monopoly?
The word “etymology” can be a new word to many — just like our word of the day, monopoly. So, before we dive into the history of the word monopoly, let’s define etymology.
Simply put, etymology is the study of the origin of a word and how its meaning has changed and evolved throughout history. With this in mind, let’s take a look at the etymology of monopoly.
Monopoly was first coined in the 1530s, where it was defined as exclusive control over a trade or commodity. That said, middle English monopoly is a derivative of the Latin monopolium, as well as the Greek monopōlion, which comes from mono- + pōlein (meaning “to sell”).
What Are Synonyms and Antonyms of Monopoly?
Now that you’re familiar with the meaning and origin behind Monopoly, let’s take a look at a few synonyms and antonyms.
To refresh your memory from elementary school: a synonym is a word that means nearly or exactly the same as another word. In contrast, an antonym is a word that means the opposite of another word.
Below you will find both antonyms and synonyms of Monopoly —which have been provided by the WordHippo English Language Thesaurus:
- Stranglehold
- Grip
- Choke
- Control
- Domination
- Dominion
- Power
- Sway
- Clutches
- Grasp
- Hold
- Suppression
- Iron grip
- Authority
- Strength
- Clout
- Dominance
- Reign
- Sovereignty
- Supremacy
- Pull
- Force
- Reputation
- Eminence
- Station
- Rank
- Strategic partnership
- Weight
- Empire
- Prestige
- Standing
- Stature
- Ranking
- Position
- Esteem
- Prominence
- Leverage
- Predominance
- Ascendancy
- Access
- Jurisdiction
- Mastery
- juice
- Mark
- Reach
- Rule
- Leadership
- Grease
- Command
- Muscle
- Teeth
- Notoriety
- Significance
- Influence
- Social position
- Joint ownership
- Distribution
- Monopsony
- Scattering
- Sharing
- Impotence
- Weakness
- Powerlessness
- Helplessness
- Incapacity
- Hopelessness
- Inadequacy
- Ineptitude
- Incapacitation
- Incompetence
- Ineptitude
- Uselessness
- Ineffectualness
- Infirmity
- Debility
- Limitation
- Failure
- Inefficacy
- Disunion
- Division
- Separation
- Disassociation
How Can You Use Monopoly in a Sentence?
You likely have a good grasp on our word of the day by now, but do you feel comfortable using it in a sentence? Not to worry — here are some excellent example sentences for you to review:
I was wondering if Microsoft is a monopoly or just a rather large corporation… I have a hard time differentiating the two.
Apparently, a company with a true monopoly is the only seller in a market with no other close substitute.
Sandra said that monopoly applies to the exclusive control of a commodity.
Did you know that gas, electricity, and water are considered natural monopolies?
Ted, you can’t buy your groceries with Monopoly money.
What Are Translations of Monopoly?
Below you will find translations of Monopoly in various languages provided by the Collins English Dictionary:
- American English — Monopoly
- Arabic — احْتِكَارٌ
- Brazilian Portuguese — monopólio
- Chinese — 垄断地位
- Croatian — monopol
- Czech — monopol
- Japanese — 独占
- Korean — 독점
- Norwegian — monopol
- Polish — monopol
- European Portuguese — monopólio
- Romanian — monopol
- British English — Monopoly
- Russian — монополия
- Spanish — monopolio
- Swedish — monopol
- Thai — การผูกขาด, ระบบผูกขาด, เอกสิทธิ์
- Turkish — tekel
- Ukrainian — монополія
- Vietnamese — sự độc quyền
- Danish — monopol
- Dutch — monopolie
- European Spanish — monopolio
- Finnish — monopoli
- French — monopole
- German — Monopol
- Greek — μονοπώλιο
- Italian — monopolio
Related Words You Should Know
Before we wrap up this article, we want to leave you with a few related words that you may come across as you continue on your journey to learn the meaning behind monopoly:
- Monopolist — a business or person that has a monopoly
- Oligopoly — a limited competition
- Duopoly — a type of oligopoly where two supplies have exclusive or dominant control over the market
- Economist — a practitioner and professional in the social science discipline of economics
- Market Share — the percentage of the total sales or revenue in a market
- Mergers — a combination of two things, usually companies, into one
In short, a monopoly refers to the exclusive possession, complete control, or ownership of any one thing. For example, if your wife claims a monopoly over the television during a Brad Pitt movie marathon, it’s probably best you go find somewhere else to watch the game for the day.
What is another word for monopoly? | The Word Hippo
Monopoly definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary