If you’re wondering what the word pardon means — you’re in the right place. Read on as we explore the meaning of pardon, it’s etymology, and more.
March 11, 2022
Common Questions
If you’re wondering what the word pardon means — you’re in the right place. Read on as we explore the meaning of pardon, it’s etymology, and more.
The term pardon can be defined as the action of forgiving or being forgiven for an error or offense — but did you know that it has another definition? Read on as we explore the word pardon to uncover its many meanings and more.
According to the Cambridge Dictionary, the term pardon means to forgive someone for something they have said or done. To further our understanding of the term, let’s review a few additional definitions:
After reviewing the definitions provided above, we can conclude that the term pardon is defined as a verb meaning someone shouldn’t be blamed for doing, thinking, or saying something. It can also mean to officially say that someone who is guilty of a crime will be allowed to go free and will not be punished.
In other words, pardon means “to forgive.” That’s kind of sweet!
The word pardon was first recorded around the year 1300 to 1350 in Middle English as the noun pardoune, meaning “papal indulgence or wrongdoing,” from the Old French pardon. This comes from the Modern French pardonner, meaning “to forgive,” directly from the Medieval Latin perdonum.
It wasnt until the middle of the 15th century that the word really took on its form as verb, dervied from the Old French pardoner and Medieval Latin’s perdonare.
That being said, the first use of “to beg (one’s) pardon’,’ meaning “ask for forgiveness,” wasn’t until around the 1640s.
Since pardon has a somewhat varying definition and can be used in different contexts, let’s discuss its synonyms and antonyms.
First, what is a synonym? A synonym is simply a word or phrase that can be used in place of the original word. These synonyms are outstanding ways to expand your English language vocabulary as well as wow your peers with your ever-expanding word pool.
Since the word pardon can be used as a noun or a verb, this gives us an even larger array of synonyms and antonyms. Below you will find a list of synonyms of pardon:
As you may have guessed, there are just as many antonyms (words with the opposite meaning of the word pardon). Below we have included a list of antonyms for pardon:
To help you better understand this word’s meaning and use pardon correctly, we have provided example sentences below. Use these sentences as a guide on how to include pardon in your everyday communication, verbally or in writing.
Using these new words in everyday sentences can really help to better memorize their definition. Speaking of which: Why don’t you try using this word of the day in a sentence today to better memorize its meaning?
Below you will find a shortlist of idioms containing the word pardon:
At the end of the day, the word pardon can be used as a noun or a verb, although in its simplest of definitions, it will always mean to forgive.
So if you could pardon us while we take our leave— we hope that this article has helped you better grasp all meanings, uses, and forms of the word pardon.