The Meaning of Likewise: What It Is and How To Use It

Do you know the definition of likewise? This article will provide you with all of the information you need on the word likewise, including its definition, usage, etymology, example sentences, and more!

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What does the word likewise mean?

According to Merriam-Webster Unabridged English Dictionary and Cambridge Dictionary, the word likewise (pronounced ˈlaɪkˌwaɪz)  is an adverb that means in the same way. This is often used on its own as a phrase or sentence meaning “same for me.” The word likewise is used to state that you feel a similar fashion about something, or that you are in agreement with what another person just said. Try using this word of the day or other new words in a sentence today!

There are also many different languages that use words that mean likewise. You may notice that some of these words look similarly to each other. This is likely because they have a common root or origin. Many different languages stem from the same place and therefore contain cognates. This list of translations for the word likewise is provided by Word Sense.

  • German: ebenfalls‎, gleichfalls‎, ebenso‎, ähnlich‎
  • Spanish: similarmente‎
  • Maori: waihoki‎
  • Swahili: kadhalika‎
  • Occitan: parivament‎, parièirament‎, similarament‎, semblablament‎
  • Japanese: 同様‎
  • Finnish: samoin‎
  • Portuguese: similarmente‎, igualmente‎
  • Italian: nello stesso modo
  • Danish: ligeledes‎
  • Russian: та́к же‎, аналоги́чно‎, подо́бно‎, подо́бным о́бразом‎
  • Scottish Gaelic: mar an ceudna‎
  • Faroese: somuleiðis‎
  • Swedish: likaledes‎
  • Icelandic: sömuleiðis‎
  • Arabic: كَذٰلِك‎
  • Bulgarian: подобно (на)‎
  • Egyptian Arabic: كدا‎ (keda)
  • Dutch: evenzo‎, eveneens‎, op gelijkaardige wijze‎, op gelijkwaardige wijze‎
  • Turkish: aynen‎, bilmukabele‎, keza‎
  • French: de même‎, pareillement‎
  • Italian: ugualmente‎, similarmente‎
  • Czech: podobně‎
  • Chinese – Mandarin: 相似‎, 類似‎, 类似‎, 同樣‎, 同样‎

How can the word likewise be used in a sentence?

The word likewise can be used in many different sentences to mean similarly or in the same way or manner. It is also often used on its own to refer to one’s agreement with a statement that has just been said. In this example, Nadia’s mom and dad are making a speech at her birthday dinner.

Mom: Nadia, we are all so proud of you. You are now officially an adult. You have always made us proud, and we cannot wait to see what you’ll do next year at Yale. I am so happy with the young woman you have become. Dad, anything to add?

Dad: Likewise!

Nadia: A man of few words. Thank you both!

Here, Nadia’s dad uses the word likewise to show that he agrees with her mother and has nothing more to add. In this next example, Nadia is giving a presentation on a book for her English class.

Teacher: Nadia, why do you think the author constructed the protagonist and the antagonist in the way that she did?

Nadia: I think that she constructed the characters in this way to assert that it doesn’t matter where you come from, it matters where you go. She made both the protagonist and the antagonist come from likewise broken families and hard lives, but the protagonist turned out good and the antagonist turned out evil. 

Teacher: Very good.

What are synonyms and antonyms for the word likewise?

There are many different words and phrases that can be used in place of the word likewise. These are called synonyms, which are words and phrases that have the same definition as another word or phrase. Synonyms are useful to know if you are trying not to repeat words or if you are looking to expand your vocabulary. This list of synonyms for the  word likewise is provided by Thesaurus

  • thus
  • withal
  • along
  • too
  • correspondingly
  • then as well
  • so
  • also
  • as well
  • in addition
  • further
  • besides
  • equivalently
  • more
  • furthermore
  • moreover
  • similarly
  • additionally
  • alike
  • in the same way
  • in like manner

There are also numerous different words and phrases that mean the opposite of the word likewise. These are called antonyms. Antonyms are also useful English grammatical devices to know if you are trying to expand your vocabulary or knowledge of the English language. This list of antonyms for the word likewise is also provided by Thesaurus

  • repugnant
  • independent
  • opposed
  • unsimilar
  • reversed
  • unlike
  • facing
  • irreconcilable
  • paradoxical
  • violative
  • adverse
  • flip-side
  • inverse
  • diametrically opposed
  • counter
  • different
  • differing
  • contradictory
  • dissimilar
  • unalike
  • unconnected
  • crosswise
  • polar
  • reverse
  • unrelated
  • separate
  • antagonistic
  • diametric
  • inimical
  • opposite
  • obverse
  • fronting
  • contrapositive
  • ornery
  • vis-à-vis
  • antipodean
  • diverse
  • antipodal
  • contrary
  • contrasted
  • retrograde
  • antithetical
  • hostile
  • conflicting
  • inconsistent
  • corresponding

What is the origin of the word likewise?

According to Etymonline, the adverb likewise has been used since the mid 15th century and stems from the phrase “in like wise” meaning in the same manner. This comes from the word like, which is an adjective that has been used since the year 1200 to mean in a similar manner. According to Etymonline, this was originally written as lik, a shortening of y-lik from the online English gelic. This is of Proto-Germanic roots. The adjective wise, according to Etymonlne, comes from the Old English wis meaning learned or prudent. This comes from the Proto-Germanic wissaz which is taken from the past participle adjective wittos meaning to see, from the Proto-Indo-European root of the same meaning. The modern meaning aware or cunning was first used in the year 1896, and the word is related to the Old English witan meaning to know. 

Overall, the word likewise is an adverb that means similarly or in the same way or manner. This word is often used as its own sentence to show one’s agreement to a statement that someone else has just said. The word likewise is a very versatile term that can be used in many different ways. 

