Do you know the meaning of indemnify or how to use it in a sentence? This article will provide you with everything you need to know.
May 25, 2022
Common Questions
Do you know the meaning of indemnify or how to use it in a sentence? This article will provide you with everything you need to know.
The word indemnify is one that typically comes up when discussing security or protection against liability, but what exactly does it mean? Is it an insurance term? And how is it used in a sentence?
You have questions, and we have answers. Read on to discover our complete guide on indemnify.
According to Oxford American English Dictionary, indemnify means to protect against loss, injury, or damage. It also means to repay what was lost or damaged. In other words, indemnify refers to providing someone with protection — or insurance — against harm.
So, to indemnify another individual is to compensate that individual for losses that that person has incurred or will incur as related to a specified incident.
With its first records in the 1600s, indemnify is a derivative of both the Latin indemni (meaning unhurt, unharmed, or uninjured) and damnum (meaning loss).
Now that you understand what indemnify means, let’s review a few synonyms and antonyms.
Synonyms are words that are similar to another word or have a related meaning. Synonyms of indemnify are as follows:
An antonym is a word that has the opposite meaning to another word. Antonyms of indemnify include:
Many folks are under the impression that indemnify and indemnity can be used interchangeably. However, this is incorrect. Although the two words appear to be the same, they are different.
Derived from a late Middle English word meaning “free from loss” or “unhurt,” indemnity is the duty to make good any damage, loss, or hurt incurred by another. On the flip side, to indemnify someone is to absolve that person from responsibility for loss or damage arising from a transaction.
By now you understand that the word indemnify is to secure against damage, loss, or hurt — but do you know how to use it in a sentence? Not to worry — we’ve put together a list of sentence examples for you to review below:
Are you even aware of any of the indemnity provisions we have in the contract you signed?
Insurance companies are supposed to indemnify their policyholders against damage.
Barbara told me that the surety bond will indemnify the performance of the obligator.
When I was a homeowner in New York, I had an insurance policy that was an indemnity contract.
Arguably the most attractive feature of insurance is that it indemnifies loss.
The insurance company agreed to indemnify the taxpayers against loss.
John said that they would do whatever they can to indemnify them.
The drunk driver will indemnify the victim of the car accident that he caused when driving under the influence.
She said she would seek a fund to indemnify the victims as soon as possible.
Believe it or not, indemnify can be said in more ways than one. Yup, it’s true — here are some of the most common translations of indemnify:
Before we wrap up this article, we want to leave you with a little homework. Below, you’ll find a list of words that are commonly associated with the term indemnify. Study each definition and practice using the terms in a sentence.
To sum it up, indemnify means to make amends, to compensate for expenses, losses sustained or damages incurred. Not only that, indemnify also means to secure against future damage, liability, or loss.
We hope this guide has provided you with all the information you need to truly understand the word indemnify. To discover more interesting words, head on over to our website today!