You may have seen the word etc. in lists, at the end of sentences, and so on. What does this abbreviation mean? Keep reading to learn more about etc.
What Does Etc. Stand For?
According to Collins English Dictionary, the term etc. is an abbreviation for et cetera. You can use it at the end of a list to mean “and so on” or “and so forth” to indicate that similar things should be included in the list. You can use etc. in lists of people, places, things, adjectives, or any other topic. You place “etc.” at the end of a sentence following a comma.
What Are Translations of the Word Et Cetera?
The word et cetera stems from Latin, which is a root language that has spawned many languages around the world. By referencing this list of translations of et cetera from Nice Translator, you can see which of these translations might have Latin influence.
Cantonese – 諸如此類
Chinese | T – 諸如此類
Turkish – Etcetera
Vietnamese – vân vân
Maltese – etcetera
Greek – και τα λοιπά
Icelandic – etcetera
Arabic – اخره
Ukrainian – etcetera
Russian – и так далее
Slovenian – etcetera
Polish – Etcetera
Catalan – Etcétera
Welsh – etcetera
Swedish – Etc
Bulgarian – etcetera
Serbian – Itd
Italian – eccetera
Portuguese – Etc
Afrikaans – etcetera
Romanian – etcetera
Lithuanian – Etcetera
Korean – 등등
Chinese | S – 诸如此类
French – etcetera
Dutch – enzovoorts
Norwegian – Etcetera
Czech – atd
Danish – Osv
Thai – etcetera
Croatian – Etcetera
Persian – غیره
German – und so weiter
Hindi – वगैरह
Swahili – etcetera
Malay – etcetera
Japanese – エトセトラ
Spanish – etcétera
Estonian – etcetera
Latvian – Etcetera
Slovak – etcetera
Hebrew – וכו’.
Hungarian – Satöbbi
Finnish – ja niin edelleen
What Are Example Sentences Containing the Word Etc?
Etc. can be used in a number of sentences and frequently comes at the end of a list. Sometimes this list is at the end of a sentence, but sometimes it is in the middle. See if you can spot when etc. is used in either way:
In order to study for her vocabulary quiz, she rewrote her definitions and pronunciation, wrote down example sentences, listed synonyms, listed antonyms, etc.
She was on multiple social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, etc.
The list of human beings present at the fair included everyone: investors, adults, kids, etc.
She had a long list of allergies, including wheat, strawberries, apples, etc., and had to be careful when looking at a menu.
What Is the Origin of the Word Et Cetera?
The word et cetera has been used since the early 15th century in the English language. This is taken directly from the Latin phrase et cetera, which means “and the others.”
The Latin word “et” translates to “and.” Cetera is the neuter plural version of the Latin ceterus, meaning “other.” This word comes from the Proto-Italic ke-etero and the Proto-Indo-European root ko, meaning this. Etero also has Proto-Indo European roots. Specifically, it means comparison or “the other of two.”
What Are Other Meanings of ETC?
Per The Free Dictionary, etc. doesn’t just have to be an abbreviation for et cetera. This term can also be used as an acronym. In these situations, you will see ETC written in all capital letters because each of those letters stands for a word, unlike etc., which is an abbreviation.
Meanings of ETC in Science
If you’re working in STEM, you may see ETC stand for one of the following phrases:
Esophageal Tracheal Combitube
Electronic Throttle Control
Emergency Trauma Center
Engineering Technology Company
Evaporator Thermostat Circuit
Electron Transport Chain (cellular respiration)
Engineered Tissue Construct
Engineering Technology Centre (UK)
Electro-Thermal Chemical
Extra-Tropical Cyclone (meteorology)
Elapsed Time Counter
Environmental Toxicology Center (University of Wisconsin)
Erosion, Technology, and Concentration
Electro-Thermal Chemical
European Transportation Carrier (European Space Agency)
Earth Terrain Camera (astrophysics)
ECHO Technical Committee
Environmental Tectonics Corporation
Earth Terminal Complex
Environmental Technology Council
Environmental Technology Center (Canadian government agency)
Meanings of ETC in Business
As for businesspeople, see if you can spot ETC in any of these contexts:
European Technology Consultants (contact center, website, mobile and DTV design and implementation)
Education and Training Consultancy (various organizations)
ET Company
Electronic Traction Control (automobiles)
European Transportation Consultancy (Czech Republic)
Entertainment Central (Philippines TV channel)
Electronic Ticket Capture
Energy Technology Company
European Territorial Cooperation (EU)
Efficient Transport Chains (shipping)
Employee Transportation Coordinator
English Tourism Council
European Transport Conference (Association for European Transport)
Meanings of ETC in Government
Government workers may be familiar with these meanings of ETC:
Estimated Time of Completion
Education and Training Committee (various organizations)
Estimated Total Cost
Estimate To Complete (Cost)
Equal Treatment Commission (various locations)
Eastern Transportation Corridor (California)
Chief Electronics Technician (Naval Rating)
Exportable Training Capability (US DoD)
Embedded Training Capability
Estimated Time of Commencement
Echo Tracker Classifier
Energy Training Complex
Efficient Transportation for the Community (Florida)
Engineering Technical Code
Enhanced Terminal Capability
Engineering Topographic Command
Exportable Training Center
Meanings of ETC in Technology
For any tech bros and gals reading, you may be looking for these definitions of ETC:
Eldorado Touring Coupe
Electronic Traction Control
Enable Threshold Comparison
Environmental Training Center
Exchange Terminal Circuit (Sprint)
Ethernet Tributary Card
Enterprise Technology Centre
Eligible Telecom Carrier (Western Digital)
Enhanced Throughput Cellular protocol (Paradyne)
Election Technology Council
Event Tag Collection
Execution Trace Cache
Educational Technologies Center
Extended Tree Collapsing
Endogenous Technological Change
Emerging Technologies Conference
Meanings of ETC as Slang Terms
Finally, we all can see ETC used in everyday slang:
End of Thinking Capacity
Espio the Chameleon (fictional character)
Entertainment That Counts (TV show)
Everyday Thoughts Collected (blog)
The term etc. is short for et cetera, a Latin phrase that approximately translates to “and so on.” This word is frequently used at the end of lists to show that similar items can be included but are not listed.
Kevin Miller is a growth marketer with an extensive background in Search Engine Optimization, paid acquisition and email marketing. He is also an online editor and writer based out of Los Angeles, CA. He studied at Georgetown University, worked at Google and became infatuated with English Grammar and for years has been diving into the language, demystifying the do's and don'ts for all who share the same passion! He can be found online here.