Have you ever heard the phrase “slide into DMs” and wondered what it meant? This article will define the term DMs and provide alternate definitions for the acronym DMS. So, keep reading to learn all about DMs!Â
Soon, you’ll be able to use terms like “slide into my DMs” with ease.
What Does DMs Mean?
According to Dictionary and Lifewire, DMs are direct messages. Within many social media platforms, there are direct message components. These types of chat functions work like text messages or chat rooms, in which two people can talk back and forth on the platform using text, photos, or GIFs.Â
Social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook all have their own DM features. Additionally, DM functions are crucial to many online dating platforms. These allow people to chat back and forth to get to know one another. Many apps on Android and iOS platforms provide DM functionality.Â
What Are Other Meanings of DMS?
The Free Dictionary provides several other meanings for the acronym DMS. If someone uses the term DMS and it cannot possibly mean direct messages based on the context, they might be using these acronyms to stand for one of the following.
Meanings of DMS in Technology
People in the tech sector can use DMS to have several different meanings:
Digital Music System
Destination Management System
Drum Memory System
Donor Management System
Dynamic Motion Simulator (engineering software)
Digital Media Services
Delay Modulation Space
Dilute Magnetic Semiconductors
Digital Mixed-Signal
Data Manipulation System
Deadline Monotonic Scheduling
Degraded Message Set
Dual Magnetron Sputtering
Digital Modular Switch
Digital Music Station
Data Management Services
Data Management Subsystem
Diagnostic Measurement Server
Distributed Multi-Layer Scheduler
Database Managed Space (computing)
Digital Multiplexing Switch
Digital Message Switch
Dispersion Managed Solution (Ciena)
Desktop Management Server
Domain Member Server
Digital Multiplex System
Dedicated Managed Server (web hosting)
Digital Modeling and Simulation
Design Maintenance SystemÂ
Data Multiplex System (US Navy AN/USQ-82(V))
Digital Marketing Services
Dealership Management System
Diagnostic Monitor Software
Discrete Memoryless Source
Distribution Management System (system managing electricity distribution)
Dial Management System
Delta MicroSystems
Database Management Services
Display Mode Set
Diode Measurement System
Digital Media Server
Meanings of DMS in Government
Government officials might abbreviate the below using DMS:
Direct Mission Support
Defense Message Switch
Direct Moulded Sole (British Military Footwear )
Docket Management System
Defense Material System
Defense Message Service
Demobilization Station
Defense Meteorological System (US DoD)
Department of Management Services
Department for Medicaid Services
Digital Message System
Defense Message System
Digital Multiplex Subsystem
Depot Maintenance Service
Dead Man’s Switch
Dewar Monitoring System
Depot Maintenance Support
Depository Management System
Document Management System
Delegated Management Services
Diminishing Manufacturing Sources
Division of Medical Services (Missouri Department of Social Services)
Director of Military Support (US DoD)
Differential Maneuvering Simulator
Director of Military Services
Destroyer Mine Sweeper
Director of Medical Services (various locations)
Disaster Management Support (various organizations)
Defective Material Summary
Distinguished Military Student (ROTC award)
Direct Maintenance Support
Digital Microwave System
Defense Materials (GSA)
Dynamic Missile Simulator
Dispatch Messaging System (FEMA)
Devon Music Service (UK)
Defense Materials System
Defense Mapping School
Defense Mission Systems
Disaster Medical Services
Dual Mounted Stinger (launcher)
Deer Mountain Summit
Display Management Switch
Deployed Maintenance System
Meanings of DMS in Science
Scientists have their own uses of DMS:
Dimethyl Sulphide
Douglas Material Specification
During Menstrual Syndrome
Diagnostic Medical Systems (France)
Dense Medium Separator (mineral preparation)
Dartmouth Medical School (Hanover, NH)
Dynamic Message Sign
Design of Mechanical Systems (various organizations)
Dry Matter Solubles
Dairy Management System
Department of Medical Sciences (various locations)
Diploma in Medicine and Surgery (India and Sri Lanka)
Discrete Mathematical Structure
Dutch Meteor Society
Diamond Mechanosynthesis
Dynamics Monitoring System
Degrees, Minutes, Seconds
Diagnostic Medical Sonographer (ultrasonics)
Department of Mathematical Sciences (NSA grant subdivision)
DMs are direct messages. This is a type of chat function within social media and online dating websites and apps. You might hear the term DMs in idioms like “slide into my DMs,” which means to contact someone via direct message.Â
Kevin Miller is a growth marketer with an extensive background in Search Engine Optimization, paid acquisition and email marketing. He is also an online editor and writer based out of Los Angeles, CA. He studied at Georgetown University, worked at Google and became infatuated with English Grammar and for years has been diving into the language, demystifying the do's and don'ts for all who share the same passion! He can be found online here.