Diversity Meaning: Here’s What It Means and How To Use It

This guide will give you the definitions of the word diversity, where the word diversity comes from, how we use the word today, synonyms, and more!

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Diversity is a word we hear a lot. Like many words that we hear regularly, many of us don’t stop to really think about what it means. As children, we infer a lot of the meanings of words by how the adults around us use them, and unless we are given the task of defining the word, many of us rarely look the words up. 

Words just go on meaning what we’ve decided they mean, but it can be a valuable experience to really look into a word like diversity and discover its meaning(s). Just like we need diversity in other parts of our lives, we need diversity in our vocabulary as well. Learning the meaning of words and the origins of those words can help us truly value the words we already think mean so much like diversity.

What Does Diversity Mean? 

Diversity is a noun. Diversity (n.) has two definitions. Here are the definitions of diversity.

  1. The condition of containing or being composed of elements that differ from each other. This definition applies especially to the inclusion of people of different races, genders, sexual orientations, physical abilities/disabilities, and more.
  2. An instance of being diverse or being comprised of differing elements or qualities.

The word diversity is pronounced di-ver-si-ty and heard as də-ˈvər-sə-tē.

Here are some examples of diversity in a sentence. 

  • Abby hopes that the school’s diversity efforts will ensure she’s included like everyone else.
  • Workplace diversity really helps provide a better working environment.

What Is the Origin of the Word Diversity? 

Diversity comes from a Middle English word diversite and from an Old French word diversité. Before that, the word can be traced to Latin dīversitās.Diversitas is from Latin diversus and Latin divertere. Diverus meant diverse, and divertere meant turn aside.

Examples of How Diversity Is Used Today

Diversity is an important word today, and there are numerous articles about its importance.

One key area that diversity is emphasized and valued is in the workplace. According to Alliant International University, there are four types of diversity that can be examined. The four types of diversity are:

  • Internal Diversity
  • External Diversity
  • Organizational Diversity
  • Worldview Diversity

To further understand how we look at diversity, it may be helpful to look at each type of diversity individually.

Internal Diversity

With internal diversity, situations a person is born into can shape their characteristics in different ways from those born into other situations. Here are some examples of internal diversity.

  • Age
  • Race
  • Ethnicity
  • Physical ability
  • Mental ability
  • Sexual orientation
  • Gender identity
  • Assigned sex
  • National origin

External Diversity

External diversity has more to do with influencing elements of a person that are not characteristics they were born with. Here are some examples of external diversity.

  • Education
  • Appearance
  • Personal interests
  • Familial status
  • Marital status
  • Socioeconomic status
  • Parental status
  • Life experiences

Organizational Diversity

Organizational diversity is sometimes called functional diversity. This type of diversity has to do with characteristics assigned to a person by the organization they work for. Here are some examples of organizational diversity.

  • Employment status
  • Job function
  • Place of work
  • Seniority
  • Work experiences

Worldview Diversity

Lastly, worldview diversity is typically just referred to as worldview. A lot of factors come together to create a person’s worldview. There are so many different factors that it can be difficult to find any two people with the exact same worldview. Here are some of the factors that contribute to worldview.

  • Outlook on life
  • Political beliefs
  • Religious beliefs
  • Moral compass

Offering employees an inclusive environment in the workplace promotes creativity. Diverse teams can draw from and appreciate each person’s point of view. To achieve a diverse workforce, here are some steps to try:

  • Implement racial equality programs
  • Emphasize the importance of diversity
  • New recruiting techniques
  • Examine retention efforts

Another aspect of diversity is that companies can reach a broader segment of the market by offering different products and services. Some companies do better focusing on one product or service and being the best at that, but for many companies, offering product diversity allows them to make more sales and increase their profitability. This is called the point of difference. 

Diversity in the Classroom

Many classrooms teach the importance of diversity. Teachers encourage students to see the rich dimensions of diversity. This is meant to go beyond simple tolerance and give every student a sense of belonging. These lessons are meant to make a brighter and richer future for students that is free from prejudice.

Diversity can exist in many different ways. Outside of business and school, diversity exists all around us. Ecosystems rely on the diversity of species to avoid overpopulation, direct competition, extinction, etc.

We tend to apply the definition to humans, but you can find diversity everywhere.

What Are Synonyms for Diversity? 

Synonyms provide us an opportunity to diversify our vocabulary, and we can incorporate other ways of saying what we mean to be more succinct, more direct, and more intentional in our expression of thought. Here are some synonyms for diversity.

  • Assortment
  • Heterogeneousness
  • Miscellaneousness
  • Multifariousness
  • Variety
  • Variousness
  • Multiplicity

What Are Antonyms for Diversity?

While diversity is important in our lives, occasionally, we need to organize things in a way that would not be considered diverse. To express the opposite mean of diversity, you need an antonym for diversity. Here are examples of antonyms for diversity.

  • Uniformity
  • Consistency
  • Similitude
  • Identicalness
  • Fewness
  • Homogeneousness
  • Stagnation

Examples of Diversity

  • The diversity in my portfolio helped to increase its profitability.
  • The company prides itself on maintaining diversity in the workplace.
  • The diversity of our team helped promote creativity and spawn new ideas.
  • I’m thankful for diversity because it would be boring if we were all the same.
  • To truly embrace diversity, we must work to include everyone.

Now, you know the types of diversity, what the word means, and how you can teach diversity in your workplace, school, or daily life!


  1. What Are the 4 Types of Diversity? | Alliant 
  2. The Importance of Diversity & Cultural Awareness in the Classroom | Drexel 
  3. Diversity in the Workplace: Insights and Strategies for 2021 and Beyond | DeVry