The word cue references signals, hints, or the stick used for billiard sports. The word queue references sequences, waiting lines, and braided hair.
Alanna Madden
March 10, 2021
Grammar Tips
The word cue references signals, hints, or the stick used for billiard sports. The word queue references sequences, waiting lines, and braided hair.
Cue and queue are simple words to use, but the differences between American and British English often blur the lines between standard and nonstandard English. No matter where you live, the word cue is a noun and verb that describes:
Additionally, both American and British English use “queue” as a noun and verb for:
The confusion around cue and queue appears to be a miscommunication concerning standard English, appropriate contexts, and, of course, the fact that they are homophones (both are pronounced ‘kew’ or like the letter Q).
For example, The American Heritage Dictionary lists the word cue as a “nonstandard variant” of queue, leading one to think that “cue” is a common misspelling. Meanwhile, Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary and Lexico list “queue” as “chiefly British” (for ‘waiting lines’ or ‘to wait’), which may imply that Americans use a nonstandard spelling of queue.
Just in case anyone is confused: if you’re describing a waiting line or sequence of things (especially for computer demands), the only standard spelling is “queue.”
Correct examples:
The notion that “queue” is more common for British English involves the fact that Americans are more likely to say “line” than “queue” at all. For example,
American English:
British English:
Another source of confusion for cue vs. queue involves the verb’s past participles. In short, the past participle of cue is “cuing” and “cueing,” while the past participle of queue is “queuing” and “queueing.”
The differences between these terms are simple:
If you asked Garner’s Modern English Usage about cuing vs. cueing, you’d read “cueing, not cuing,” and nothing more (Garner 235). Grammarly software also takes a jab at the verb by stating, “The word cuing not in our dictionary.” However, several online dictionaries list “cuing” as a spelling variant, so it’s unclear whether it’s an official misspelling or not.
“Queueing,” on the other hand, is chiefly British. So, if you’re writing for American audiences, it’s best to stick with “queuing.”
The noun cue references a verbal or physical hint, signal, or indication (e.g., memory aid, stage direction, or body language). As a verb, cue appears as “cues” (present tense), “cueing” (present participle), or “cued” (past participle).
Sentence examples:
Alternatively, the verb cue also means ‘to position an audio or video recording’ so that it’s ready to play at a specific moment. For example,
Clue, indication, inkling, hint, lead, prompt, prompting, reminder, sign, signal, suggestion.
The word cue is thought to be a spelling of qu, an abbreviation of Latin quando for ‘when’ or qualis ‘in what manner.’
The last definition of cue involves billiard or cue sports such as pool, snooker, or shuffleboard. As a noun, the word cue references the game stick. The verb cue describes the act of striking a cue-ball or puck with the cue.
Example sentences:
The word queue is a noun or verb that we use to describe a line of people or things in sequential order. As a verb, the term appears as “queues” (present tense), “queuing/queueing” (present participle), or “queued” (past participle).
Sentence examples:
Column, cue, file, line, range, rank, row, sequence, succession, string, train.
The word queue also references a “plait of hair” (noun) or the acting of styling someone’s hair into a long braid (verb). While the hairstyle name is attributed to the 18th century from French queue and Latin cauda for ‘tail,’ it’s mainly associated with a symbolic Manchu hairstyle.
According to history writer Kallie Szczepanski, the Qing Dynasty ordered all Han Chinese men to have a queue (bianzi 辮子), which required them to shave their heads around their temples and leave the remaining hair in a long, trailing braid.
Sentence examples:
Braid, pigtail, plait.
According to Garner’s Modern English Usage, the phrase “cue up” means ‘to prepare a video or audio recording’ so that it is ready to play at a certain point. The phrase “queue up” means ‘to line up’ and wait (Garner 235).
If you enjoy learning about homophones like cue and queue, check out The Word Counter’s lessons on:
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